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I don't really wanna defend King.com, but I think you're being a bit uncharitable. They talk about the community "creating tutorials, by finding bugs, improving the documentation". It's just tautological that you'll get more bug reports the more users you have, and creating tutorials/refining documentation are particularly suited to crowdsourcing (as the designers are often too close to the application to understand what a newbie needs to know).

"I don't really wanna defend King.com"

Sure. I cherry picked the negative because of this.

There are too many game engines that are made for special purpose studios (People who have experience with them)

I think there are a lot better GPL'd engines people should use so the community benefits; not Candy Trademark king King.com

Particularly Libgdx; Blender3d ; Godot

Now that I think about it game engines are a bit like Linux Distros in that all the options possibly dilutes the greater purpose.

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