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Show HN: Nestor – Hosted Hubot for Slack (asknestor.me)
49 points by iamclovin on March 23, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Does it follow the Three Laws?

Is there pricing information anywhere? I couldn't find it.

there isn't a public pricing page yet (i need to get to it), but once you sign up, you can find it.

There's a free plan (limited to 5 powers that you can add to nestor). After that, plans start at 25$ monthly

The tight-coupling with Heroku is a huge drawback.

erm it's not coupled with Heroku at all? Where does it say that?

Well, that's the impression the homepage creates. Where is my custom code hosted?

ah hmm, will see how that perception can be changed.

Your custom code is hosted on AWS in sandboxed environments that are only visible your team. But it has nothing to do with Heroku.

> Your custom code is hosted on AWS in sandboxed environments that are only visible your team.

As an infrastructural developer who has an ear to the ground with regards to security concerns, I immediately don't trust unsubstantiated descriptions of "sandboxed environments", especially not ones with regard to tools that may become core to my business practices. Can you fully describe how you are isolating these systems?

It's AWS Lambda in the background with proper IAM permissions set up so that powers you add to your team are only accessible from within your team. Happy to answer more questions or please email me at arun@asknestor.me

Thanks! I've been using Beep Boop [0] and seems I will stick with it.

[0]: https://beepboophq.com/

It is the Heroku power being used in the Nestor shell example that gives this impression, using Trello or something else should solve this :)

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