When accusing someone of a crime that serious you tread with care. There is no 'undo' button on that operation.
I can sneak large numbers of files on to your computer without your notice (you'll have to trust me on that one, I'm not going to explain here how for obvious reasons, but if you want we can correspond by email about it, I'm sure I'm not the only HN'er that can think of tricks like that but I don't want to give the less capable ideas), one phone call later to some anonymous reporting facility and you'd be in a world of trouble.
It shouldn't be that easy to ruin somebody's life.
If a case isn't iron clad why spook the suspect (after all, simply monitoring them would give you hard proof or reason enough to drop the case quietly, maybe issue a warning that the guys card was cloned, which after all is what the police was for).
In the current system you might as well be guilty, even when you are not.
I personally hate child pornographers with a vengeance, for very good reason (they occasionally use my websites as their means of transportation), but I hate sloppy police work even more.
> When accusing someone of a crime that serious you tread with care. There is no 'undo' button on that operation.
Agreed. Im of the opinion we can only deal with the facts of the case; and we have very few of those. Random scenario: he refused to answer questions (for example on the advice of a lawyer) or provide an alibi (I know I am making that up - but things can slant this either way).
> after all, simply monitoring them would give you hard proof
There are strong arguments against that. Firstly, of course, cost. Secondly the privacy argument (could you imagine the fuss if it turned out the police were monitoring potential suspects secretly? :P).
> In the current system you might as well be guilty, even when you are not.
Agreed. I think this is a general problem with the society as well as the system. Im not sure why this investigation was not confidential - most are. Indeed most of those accused and cleared of CP offences are not generally affected (according to the references I have read at least; which are solid, but I admit not my first hand knowledge).
> I can sneak large numbers of files on to your computer
Ofc. Those sort of cases are difficult. We do get cases which come in where a girl has accused an older male of abuse and looking at child porn where the officer has noted they think she may be maliciously lying. The problem is how do you prove things like that - the best way is to grab his machine and have a look for solid physical evidence then go from there.
I dont think you could accuse someone anonymously quite like you suggest and have them arrested straight away.
In this case the CC payment is tangible. In retrospect your probably right and they should have taken more care in investigating his alibi (if he gave it) before pushing the case one. But again we have no information on the sequence of events and who did what - so ultimately all of this is speculation :)
I can sneak large numbers of files on to your computer without your notice (you'll have to trust me on that one, I'm not going to explain here how for obvious reasons, but if you want we can correspond by email about it, I'm sure I'm not the only HN'er that can think of tricks like that but I don't want to give the less capable ideas), one phone call later to some anonymous reporting facility and you'd be in a world of trouble.
It shouldn't be that easy to ruin somebody's life.
If a case isn't iron clad why spook the suspect (after all, simply monitoring them would give you hard proof or reason enough to drop the case quietly, maybe issue a warning that the guys card was cloned, which after all is what the police was for).
In the current system you might as well be guilty, even when you are not.
I personally hate child pornographers with a vengeance, for very good reason (they occasionally use my websites as their means of transportation), but I hate sloppy police work even more.