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I suspect that with time Lee may be able to even out the advantage. It would be surprising if AlphaGo hadn't be trained on historic matches with Lee giving him an early edge until Lee can adapt.

I hope that Lee can adapt, but I doubt it. Lee will be training at a slow pace analyzing 4 or 5 games. AlphaGo will be playing hundreds of millions against itself - and it is a worthy competitor of itself already.

Although Go and AlphaGo are very different than Chess and DeepBlue, there is one interesting analogy... Once chess beat us, they pulled ahead very quickly and the gap isn't closing. The ELO rating of top chess programs [0] is pulling away from top humans [1]. There are natural differences between computational superiority and creativity, but it seems like AlphaGo has captured a lot of the latter.

[0] https://www.chess.com/article/view/the-best-computer-chess-e...

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIDE_World_Rankings

Is there anything currently in Go like in chess where computer assisted humans play best (centaurs)? I did a brief internet search, but nothing specific came up.

I suspect that this will start happening. Until now the computers weren't good enough to help! (Even now AlphaGo takes a tremendous amount of computing power)

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