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Have I Been Pwned? Data breach master list with API (haveibeenpwned.com)
257 points by fitzwatermellow on March 14, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 116 comments

This is a great (free) resource run by Troy Hunt, a well-respected Microsoft MVP and security researcher. His blog is full of interesting info: http://www.troyhunt.com/

At the risk of coming across like a shill, I loved his "Hack Yourself First" course on Pluralsight. He does a great job of covering the basics of web security that every web developer should know and he makes it interesting by covering it from the attack angle first.

Someday I plan on getting around to subscribing for another month just to go through his newer content.

Troy has a good Web Security course up for free at: https://www.varonis.com/learn/web-security-fundamentals/

Oh yeah, it was great! Social Engineering was my favourite bit of it. Top tip: sign up for Visual Studio Dev Essentials (free) with your Microsoft ID, and you might get a free 6 month subscription. I did, but your mileage may vary.

Lots of interesting posts in his HIBP series here: http://www.troyhunt.com/search/label/Have%20I%20been%20pwned...

Covers things like how he's handling privacy (esp regarding the Ashley Madison hack), scaling, Azure deployment, etc.

It's important to note that in addition to the big breaches, this site also collects database dumps from paste sites such as Pastebin.

Specifically, I've been feeding logs from my twitter bot, @dumpmon, into HIBP to help build their collection of pastes. Troy is a fantastic researcher and has been awesome to work with!

I love dumpmon and regularly point it out to colleagues.

Guess that explains why my throw away email was getting a ridiculous amount of spam. Why do people send spam nowadays anyway, is that ever effective? Has a sketchy, poorly worded spam email ever prompted someone to actually buy viagra from them?

Believe it or not, but a guy came into the grocery store I work at to send a Western Union to a guy in China. He mentioned that his "friend" needed some money to get something out of something and if he helped him, he'd send him some money. The guy bought it and tried to send a few hundred. Lucky for him, the supervisor on WU duty at the time realized it was a scam and told him that his "friend" is lying. After some more persistence on her part, he eventually left.

When the marginal cost of the message is near-zero, not much reason not to. Sometimes the poor wording is to weed out discerning educated marks. [0]

[0] https://www.quora.com/Why-are-email-scams-written-in-broken-...

Mine all have emoji in the subject line. which for some reason gmail animates. It's all in the spam folder, but i still check the spam folder from time to time.

They're poorly worded to intentionally exclude people with reasoning skills (barring some language barrier which probably helps as well).

Everyday, there's an unlucky person (https://xkcd.com/1053/)

If the email has bad grammar, people assume the sender must not be very bright. Therefore, they could never successfully scam someone as astute as the recipient. The sucker usually thinks they are taking advantage of the scammer.

If Spam Nation is accurate, spam is actually quite lucrative. The knock-off medications they're peddling often work just as well as the real thing and at a fraction of the cost.

...work just as well as the real thing...

There are a few ways to take this, but this reminds me most of the diet aids that supposedly consisted of tapeworm eggs.

Knock-offs, particularly the sort advertised in spam and shitty foreign web shops, often have no active ingredient. Even generics are "knocked off".

Maybe you should ask for credit card numbers and passwords to check if they have been compromised.

Troy Hunt explained somewhere that he doesn't actually store the password (hashes), nor does he want to.

See the FAQ as well: https://haveibeenpwned.com/FAQs

Assurances only go so far. Even if he's a perfectly ethical person, if his service provider is compromised then all bets are off.

But, as some replies accurately pointed out, the email addresses are already out there and are not that big a deal anyway.

This [0] is an article written by Troy Hunt (the researcher behind HIBP) on the value of email addresses, and answers the question "Can I trust you with my email address?" (in relation to HIBP).

[0] http://www.troyhunt.com/2015/11/im-sorry-but-your-email-addr...

Everything he has in HIBP is taken from public releases. It's already out there, there's not level of 'really out there now.'

Yes, not making the email addresses easily searchable is the worst type of security through obscurity. The type where it's only obscure to you the email address owner, but not to those who would like to exploit you.

He's not interested in becoming a search engine for finding exploited accounts.

I understand, and I believe I was agreeing with you. I was merely noting that while making it searchable takes the difficulty from slightly inconvenient to easy for those who might want to exploit it, it also takes the difficulty from very hard to easy for the average person who may want to defend against it (by determining if they are at risk). I believe that's a net positive.

What do you mean it's not easily searchable?

You put your email in and it tells you if it was ever part of a data breach. You can even subscribe for future notices in case it's found in a breach in the future. What more do you need to search for?

I was replying to the up-thread position[1] summarized as "providing a searchable interface is dangerous because bad actors can use it against you." The context of the thread[1] apparently makes my meaning (that it's okay that it is searchable) somewhat hard to intuit.

1: The thread no longer appears to imply what I thought it was. I don't know whether that's because some comments were edited or because I was just in a state of mind which made me interpret them differently, but I don't think it really matters. My statements were meant to be general for this type of situation, and apply towards the merits of searchable vs non-searchable email addresses, not to assert that this site did one or the other and apply judgement because of that.

https://canar.io supports hash lookups for leaked passwords

Yup. Coming down the pipeline will be hashing of suspected password lists being posted too.

(I am the creator of Canario)

Is there any way I can guess at my password from the Gawker leak?

I believe that the passwords were exposed in the breach but at the moment I don't have them to look at.

Generally I recommend that if you think that your password has been exposed that you just reset your password as if you have to ask that question then you might want to reconsider your password reuse.

Would be great if I could just provide a hash of my e-mail address.

Agreed - I use a lot of email aliases (i.e. myname+merchantname@gmail.com) and I don't really want to upload a list of them to a website to see if any were compromised, I'd feel much better about a hash.

Either that or allow a wildcard "myname+*@gmail.com" so I can check them all at once, but that probably has privacy issues of its own.

I asked him that same question: https://twitter.com/troyhunt/status/692328070506749952

He says too little people use the feature to implement it.

Just curious, why do you use a different e-mail account for every merchant? All you need is different passwords, and then maybe label filters if you don't want them ending up in your Inbox.

That isn't an account - Gmail sends anything with a +whatever in it to the address without the plus. So, me+mine@gmail.com goes to me@gmail.com.

It's useful for exactly the filtering you are describing - and I also use it to track which sites sell my address to spammers (though it's such a simple regex replacement that I'm sure some hide doing so)

It's part of the specification ... Anything after the plus sign is considered a comment.

I'm pretty sure that's not true. '+' is allowed in an email address, but it's just a normal character, not a comment. Comments are made with parentheses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_address#Syntax

That's a different "spec" which may or may not be implemented by any given email provider.

it's literally security by obscurity since gmail does not allow a genuine + in emails, so:

>I also use it to track which sites sell my address to spammers (though it's such a simple regex replacement that I'm sure some hide doing so)

...is Google dropping the ball by doing something insecure. The secure version is to be able to assign a randomized alias, for example I should be able to request an alias and get a high-entropy string like buffaloaerypyrite which is associated with "me+fromDatingSite", which is this great group I heard for meeting singles who are into knitting, my biggest hobby! Then I can give DatingSite the address "buffaloaerypyrite@gmail.com" and have it go to my inbox and be marked fromDatingSite, just as it does currently. But if escorts start sending me mail to "me+fromDatingSite" I don't have to be able to rely on the security by obscurity that protects me from getting spam that is not marked with that source, if any of them figure out how to remove the + so that they can reach the inbox I read everything in.

It's a simple key-value lookup table and would close a security hole that allows spammers to reach you. It is mandatory for Google to let me give out "buffaloaerypyrite" instead of "me+fromDatingSite". Unfortunately, instead they have a non-scalable solution that doesn't work.

This is why I'm faced with a choice, and can either use an unsecure version and rely on security by obscurity, or use a real throwaway email. I use a real throwaway email anyone can read (mailinator).

Because Google's engineers either don't understand how to secure their solution, or believe that security by obscurity is sufficient.

I've never once in my entire life given out my gmail email address with a + in it, even though I know exactly how this method works and how to use it.

Never once. I'm not stupid enough to use security by obscurity. But it's great that they have it and are a single key-value lookup from having it work properly. Any day one of them will realize the implications and implement the solution, which can be prototyped in 7 minutes in any technical stack and be fully pushed out within a day or two. It's trivial. I have faith they will realize it sooner or later. You can do it, Google. Be better.

> literally security by obscurity

You've said that a lot, but there is no obscurity here. Or security. If you actually want to use this for serious spam filtering, you'd discard all emails without a valid + suffix with a whitelist.

I simply don't think you're writing in earnest, since your proposal is quite nuanced and does address my issue, proving that you exactly understand it.

But gmail does not support the filter you propose. ("discard all emails without a valid + suffix with a whitelist.")

Also even if you were serious you would know that if I did manage to get gmail to filter all email without a valid + suffix from a whitelist, I would then have a choice: I could give out meaningful suffixes, like me+amazon, me+ebay, me+facebook, or meaningless hihg-entropy suffixes.

But if I give out meaningful suffixes, then spammers can just try the email address I give out, replacing the portion after + that identifies them, with likely candidates instead. They are unlikely to succeed, but this is still security by obscurity.

If we move to true security, picking high-entropy strings to white-list, that means I now need to manually track the relationship between the strings and the party they identify. Google should track that relationship, not me. It's a single key-value store. That's it. Associate me+ebay with squirehamboard so that I can give ebay "squirehamboard@gmail.com" and have it behave exactly as though I gave ebay "me+ebay@gmail.com" today.

I think you're better than this. Be better. I have faith in you. You understand the issue. If you were working for Google you could solve it within 7 minutes (proof of concept). It's a single key-value store.

I think you know very well the definition of security by obscurity. Be better than this. Be better!

How would I solve it without parking n number of aliases which are now forever unavailable for anyone else to use?

You could do what I do and just create a separate google email address (mine literally has the word spam in it) that feeds into your primary Gmail but goes straight to all mail and is marked as read by default.

It is funny when some websites reject my email address because the word spam in the address. Perhaps Google could make this process simpler by allowing autogenerated email addresses that feed into the real primary email without the user having to create a second email address. I think this would benefit Google as the user data isn't scattered around in multiple Google accounts.

So for example I can request a new alias and Google would make one like ezJVoWkJFBPvMm98xhOUsi7X52l06RNblLXhhCFse3nwdkpCW7VUkIO7zgJqQDd at gmail Dot com and forward that to my real email address. If I ever respond to any email that came to that address, make it look like my email address is that string above.

Now since it is just a random 63 (or longest allowed by Google) char alias that the user didn't choose, it is unlikely that it will be anything someone wants as their email address.

Is this along the lines of what you were thinking?

You think extremely similar to me!!! For the sites that reject mailinator and its aliases, I give them a gmail address that literally has the word spam in it, just as yours does. But I just check it for any registration I need to confirm, I don't forward it to my main account. But it literally has the word spam in it, just like your spam gmail :) Interestingly, I've never once had any site reject that due to having the word spam in it - but maybe because it's my second-tier possibility only for use on sites that reject mailinator. I thought it would be likely that some sites would reject it for that reason, but I just haven't had that issue.

What you've written:

>Perhaps Google could make this process simpler by allowing autogenerated email addresses that feed into the real primary email without the user having to create a second email address.

Is precisely what I suggest. Specifically, all of the current me+comment@gmail.com (which feeds this email address to the me@gmail.com email address, marking it with your comment)should be kept, it's just that instead of giving Bob's Spam Factory the email address "me+bobspam@gmail.com" I first request a high-entropy version of "me+bobspam", and get something similar to your suggestion:


and give Bob's Spam Factory that address instead. Then Bob's Spam Factory can't just take out the part after the + to get my primary email address.

However, you do not need 63 random characters in order not to worry about taking possibilities from someone!!! (Not even close).

Given a dictionary of 100,000 words, 3 random words have 100,000 * 100,000 * 100,000 = 1,000,000,000,000,000 or 1 quadrillion possibilities. It's vanishingly unlikely that anyone would ever pick the same strings. This is what I meant by "entropy" which is a technical term. To see this in action, consider that I came up with the "high-entropy" string squirehamboard for my example. I haven't checked yet, but it is extremely likely (99.99%) that I'm the first person to have ever written the words squireharmboard one after the other, and that if I hadn't written it, nobody would write it in the next thousand years (except exhaustively listing all possibilities, but I mean actually picking it or writing it by hand).

Let's check. Let's google squirehamboard: https://www.google.com/search?q=squirehamboard - as you can see, nobody in the history of the Internet has written that short phrase except me.

It's not the only example I had. I also listed in my original comment buffaloaerypyrite - again, it is extremely likely that I'm the only person to have ever written buffaloaerypyrite in the history of the Internet (I used a high-entropy free association method to come up with these words), and that if I hadn't written it, nobody would in the next thousand years. Let's check: https://www.google.com/search?q=buffaloaerypyrite

Again, I'm the only person to have ever used the string buffaloaerypyrite on the entire Internet in any context. (Of course, some web server could decide to exhaustively list all three-word possibilities, since my personal mental dictionary that I free-associated through to get the terms Buffalo, Aery, Pyrite, as well as Squire, Ham and Board, from does not have 100,000 words in it - I know more like a few thousand words personally.

It's possible for someone to list buffaloaerypyrite in a huge (multi-multi-terabyte) collection of passwords. But I don't quite require Google's handles to be as strong as passwords. They should just be long enough not to step on anyone's toes who are making real, normal email addresses.

In practice 3 random words from a huge dictionary is more than enough. In practice you will never have any conflict with any real email address anyone chooses.

But yeah, you get the basic idea. You just go overkill on the length of password that you think needs to be chosen :) 3 random words given by Google are more than enough...

Outlook.com lets you add real aliases to your email account.

I'm very happy with gmail and have used it for all of my important communications for over a decade.

... except all the parts you use mailinator for.


I can't tell if this is serious or not.

Yes, I'm serious. I don't only use mailinator: some sites blacklist mailinator and somehow blacklist its alises (I know devnullmail off the top of my head, to name one of its aliases). For this reason I also have a gmail account dedicated to spam. I just checked for you, and have received 6 pieces of mail to it in the past three day, to the inbox (not filtered as spam). But hey, you go ahead and continue to rely on the fact that spammers will never ever figure out how to apply a s/\+(.+)@gmail.com/@gmail.com/g to a list of email addresses (since I and most people use gmail.com and not some other domain).

I don't know how much spam my mailinator accounts get, since I don't check them. But let's check throwaway@mailinator.com since I bet someone has picked that name. In the past hour this is the spam it got:


That's 9 pieces of spam in 2 hours. You think Dr Dave, who personally addresses someone who signed up somewhere as (throwaway) in his subject line, is above applying a regex? Do you think the person who sent out "1 Sl!tty Friend Alert" is above applying that regex? You think that Kaylyn, who sent out "Two cute ebony teens in threesome" is above applying that regex?

That's nice. That's the definition of security by obscurity. Literally the definition. So, yes, I'm serious.

But that spam would never appear in your Gmail inbox. Google decided (rightly, IMO) that it would be a better use of time to filter spam than provide email aliases.

Of course it should appear in my Gmail inbox: I actively give out the email and thereby expect that my recipient can send me mail whatever they want. If I give Bob's Spam Emporium the email address "squirehamboard@gmail.com" which means "me+bobspam@gmail.com" then that means I've given Bob the means to email me whatever they want. You literally give someone permission to email you when you give them an email address, it's pretty much the definition of giving out an email address.

If Bob starts going overboard on emailing squirehamboard@gmail.com that doesn't mean I don't still want to see all that crap. Maybe I really care about what Bob has to say.

Or maybe he's selling email address to sweepstakes companies, Nigerian princes, investment opportunities, fake legal notices, and so forth.

It's nice of Google to try to decide these things and help me classify my mail. But ultimately providing email aliases is an important step.

They have all of the comment functionality in place (me+comment@gmail.com goes to me@gmail.com with the label comment) and now just need to be able to give me an alias for "me+comment" so that I can give that out instead of my valuable string "me", which I don't want to give spammers.

It's not really rocket science. They're 99.99% of the way there.

I hope sooner or later some luminary will take that final 0.01% and let me stop using mailinator for registrations that I expect have a high chance of spamming me in the future. :)

I'd like to be able to trust Bob's Spam Emporium first, have it really go to my inbox, and only redirect squirehamboard (i.e. me+bobspam@gmail.com) if I ever read an email that I shouldn't have gotten to it. (Since it'll be labelled bobspam it'll be easy for me to decide if I want to nuke it all or just redirect it.)

Gmail's spam filtering is pretty good. Ultimately, part of what makes it good though is that I don't give my gmail address out to spammy sites at all.

I bet I'd get a lot more spam if I didn't use mailinator as well...

I guess I'm just confused by your use of the term security. Accounts aren't being compromised.

I use a specific Gmail address for sign-ups. Sometimes I use the plus sign as a tag, but if someone chops it off, I don't really care. It's just a piece of disinformation that might let me know who leaked an email address.

I can explain if you want to (ironically) list some way for me to contact you - I'm not participating in this thread anymore. (Obviously I'll treat the address with respect, I don't mean that I plan to demonstrate it dramatically, I'm just tired of the downvotes.)

Google engineers understand that there is no such thing as secure e-mail.

Of course not, but they're 99.99% of the way to letting me use them to sign up for potentially spammy registrations, and for me they need to go 0.01% of the way further. Since I use it for so much important communications, I really am not budging on this, and will continue to use mailinator for throwaway registrations until they stop requiring me to send my base email address in plaintext to potential spammers.

Another potential issue is that someone might not necessarily want to associate these registrations with the same user. For example, after the Ashley Madison database was compromised, the intersection between those users and the users who are millionaires and billionaires could be quite valuable to criminals, or, for example some lawyer or something. (For extortion.)

If the base email address is included, that intersection is easier to find, via compromise of other email sources. The current solution is just not secure enough to be used, and I don't use it. But I like it, and it's 99.99% of the way there.

The problem with the +suffix approach is that any spammer worth a salt is going to strip anything between + and @

Great for organization, but horrible as a SPAM preventer.

Unless you default deny (send to SPAM) any email received without the +suffix field. You can then provide each entity (service or friend) a different, randomly generated, +suffix "token". You can even set filter rules so that the token must match the from field or at least the domain therein (forge-able as it is...).

Admittedly maintaining this system by hand would be a pain. But if you use a dedicated email for service log-ins and a browser extension to generate the tokens (and unique passwords), then it could be quite workable.

Troy addresses this in this blog post: http://www.troyhunt.com/2015/11/im-sorry-but-your-email-addr...

IMHO it's not worth the 16 gigs of storage, the time it takes to sanitize, process & store all the hashes, nor the incredibly minor risk that somebody could intercept it going over HTTPS from your browser to his app server - data which is already public anyway.

I like this idea. This way the email address remains private till the first time it shows up in a dump.

Why? Email addresses are already public, what are you protecting here?

For me, I find it interesting to see which site sells my email address to unrelated marketers/spammers.

This would be more useful for non-hacker types if their website's name had "compromised" instead of "pwned" (and really, "pwnd" is the preferred nomenclature)

And less cringey for everyone.

Two questions as a non-security guy...

1. My two main email addresses were both flagged across the Bitcoin Security Gmail dump, the Gawker Gnosis hit, and then two game DB breaches (D&D Online, Heroes of Newerth). If I've changed my gmail passwords since then with a very strong 1Password PW, is that pretty much all I should be doing at this point?

2. I was never notified by any of these places that my email and password had been compromised. I'm particularly concerned by the two games. Do these companies have any legal obligation to disclose what happened? In the case of D&D Online they have "Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames, Website activity." So I'm curious what recourse I have.

I have to say that the irony in all of this is that my two personal email accounts were both caught up in multiple lists, but none of my family members (who are all considerably less tech-savvy than I am) show up at all.

> is that pretty much all I should be doing at this point?

Google also offers two-factor authentication; if you're willing to bear the extra inconvenience, it's one of the biggest possible security wins.


To add to this, it isn't too bad of an inconvenience. You can remember a device for 30 days, so you take an extra 20 seconds 12 times per year.

I complete a Google 2FA much less than once a month. I think the 2FA cookie must live for a month, but my login cookie lasts for much more than that.

On a new device, I do of course need the 2FA token.

Changing your Gmail password is not necessarily what you need to worry about because that wasn't compromised. HIBP told you your account at other places e.g. Heroes of Newerth was compromised. So if you used a password for that account that you also used in other places, then you're vulnerable. This is why password re-use is a really bad idea.

I'm curious about the answer to your second question. I was under the impression that they were under obligation to do so, albeit not immediately.

Searching by domain name is great - I use a catch-all on a domain I own and create new accounts for everything I sign up for - being able to see which ones were compromised is pretty nice (and relieving to see only one, on a throw away account).

Is there really anything I can do other than update passwords regularly if my email address has been compromised? Apparently I was hit by the Adobe and Bitcoin forum dump. I (think) I create new passwords and change old account passwords often enough and I think literally the only time I've gotten "hacked" was an old XBOX Live account and Origin, and most accounts I care about nowadays also feature 2-Factor Authentication.

So while I'd be more pleased if Adobe hadn't leaked my email, I'm not really at risk continuing use of the email address as long as I'm on top of my passwords, right?

When the Adobe leak hit, I was already using Keepass to generate random passwords for each service I use.

So, I changed the password on the Adobe account. I've never had an adverse event based on that leak.

Lots of people know your email address. It's your job to make your email address useless, combined with a data breach, to guess a valuable password. If you use passwords like "mysecret-hackernews", "mysecret-github", and "mysecret-paypal" then you're in serious jeopardy if your "mysecret-adobe" gets out. But if you use a bunch of random gibberish for each password, you're relatively safe, at least from that particular attack.

Sorry for the late reply, but thanks for the feedback. While I believe I have a decently strong variety between my passwords, I'm looking at Keepass now and it looks like the exact password manager tool I've wanted for a while now so I'll be giving it a try.

After reading recent coverage on this guy and his HIBP site, I think it's an absolute disgrace and to be honest I can't seriously be the only one! He gets away with having all these stolen database dumps which is illegal anyway but gets to build a whole site housed around this stolen data and further more benefits from it?! How is this guy any different to one of the people that built an Ashley Madison email search site (ones that didn't display PII) or another search site that allows for the searching through these data dumps? Why is he above the law, the FBI etc have turned a blind eye to what this guy is doing yet will happily see these other site owners prosecuted to the full extent of the law! It's actually quite disgusting that there is one rule for Troy Hunt but another rule for others. The fact of the matter is that in plain simple terms what this guy is doing is actually against the law and illegal. Someone needs to bring a class action lawsuit against this guy and get HIBP shut down! Oh yeah and he claims that haveibeenpwned.org is nothing to do with him as well, I say that is a load of BS!

How do you think he is violating the law?

He's storing email addresses that have already been leaked, and providing a free service for those who are concerned they may have been compromised.

One of my e-mails was in three breaches: Adobe, Money Bookers, vBulletin, and my Gmail was in only one breach: Boxee forums.

I have been receiving a lot of spam lately on my Gmail, and it's not listed anywhere online. So it must have come through a breach somewhere.

Does anyone store fake unique email addresses to see if they've been compromised? I assume you'd need to seed it with new ones occasionally or on some kind of schedule.

Lots of people will create a single address for each company that wants one, so that if it gets compromised it can be shut off without affecting any other incoming emails. And identify the offending firm. I have created an email account for a store that wanted an address while I was out in their parking lot (the ones that had plausible future value to me).

So far, none have been sold to marketing lists. Which says either that I'm a pretty good judge of firms, or that no one is interested in me. ;)

If you use gmail, you can insert random periods or append `+word' to your email address and it'll be delivered to the same address as one without periods and the `+word' portion. So, an email to `my.email.address+hackernews@gmail.com' will be delivered to `myemailaddress@gmail.com'.

Sadly a number of sites get hung up on the '+', despite being valid. One thing to keep in mind if relying upon this.

If they don't know how to email, they probably don't know how to security.

To be fair, checking that an email address is formatted correctly and valid is a challenge. You can't just use a regex.

Modern browsers use this one [0]:

That certainly accepts plus signs. I'm sure there are theoretically valid addresses it wouldn't accept (IDNs spring to mind), but HTML5 is willing to be "practically", rather than theoretically, correct. Anyway, there are email validation modules in every popular language. A good technique, which seems very common, is just to make the user type their email twice. Invalidity is not the most important reason why an address could cause problems.

[0] https://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/input.email.html

Are you sure the periods thing works? I use the plus thing all the time, but I just tested adding random periods and it didn't seem to work.

I'm using an apps account, so that might have something to do with it.

Periods definitely do work (at least on regular gmail accounts). I can't find anything regarding G Apps though. https://gmail.googleblog.com/2008/03/2-hidden-ways-to-get-mo...

There can be some odd glitches with that if your -actual- email address has a random dot in it.

I would assume that internally there would be some lookup to know to deliver an email to `myemail@gmail.com' to the actual user at `my.email@gmail.com', but I could be wrong. I can't test this because my email address doesn't use periods.

Yes. There is one "canonical" address - if you try to log in as myem.ail@gmail.com it will fail.

Sadly that's too easily defeated if the spammer really wants to. I personally generate an unique email for each service.

You're right; it isn't foolproof. What it does tell you though is who is selling your personal information.

As this is so well known won't spammers just remove the "+word" portion and optionally the period marks too.

At my last company,we inserted fake accounts into datasets when sharing with 3rd parties(eg: SaaS based analytics). If our data ever made it out, we had the ability to trace the leak to a vendor.

Great resource. Even more useful for checking family members' email addresses. I use strong passwords, change them frequently, and use 2FA wherever possible... My family (probably) doesn't, nor do they know to check a site like this.

Why should I trust this site with my email?

Didn't hey use to ask you to verify first before? Great way to snoop on who else has logged on where.

Finally a service that catches one of the 5+ pwnages I'm aware of!

Wuh oh. All the Mailinator accounts I tried were pwned.

test@test.com Pwned on 48 breached sites and found 650 pastes.


On the other hand, if you own that email you have access to most IT systems of the world. Let me look up your account with my admin@example.com account ;)

This is uh, a great way to get email addresses.

You can usually access all the same dumps they use at your favorite shady website. The smaller ones are on pastebin too.

RIP foo@bar.com

Surprised by how many people use my bs email mark@mark.com (my name is Mark)

Carelessly did the same with kevin@kevin.com (my name is Kevin) until one day kevin@kevin.com sent me an understandably angry reply!

Ha. How did he track you down? Mark(@mark.com) is probably furious with me.

I'm sure the reply-to address forwarded to me while I was testing.

bob@bob.com is hugely popular for the same reason.

Also john@doe.com (my commonly used bullshit e-mail address)

And test@example.com.

At least in that case example.com is a reserved domain name http://www.iana.org/domains/reserved

Still use this in examples xD

For some reason, billg@msn.com has been lit. Can't figure out why.

Thanks Adobe.

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