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"Upstate New York" is a very large area. It would be tough to generalize...

I'm in the Syracuse area (smack in the middle of the state), and the local scene is reasonably unimpressive (I work remotely, as do most of the folks I know in the area). There is a bit of a tech job market 45 minutes east of here in Rome, but that's mostly DoD related work (Rome Labs, etc). An hour and a half south is Ithaca, which is a 'hippy' college-town (Cornell, Ithaca College, and TC3), and has a bit of a startup scene, but again, nothing huge... I'd certainly want to have something lined up before moving.

I grew up 30 minutes outside of Syracuse and 15 years ago when I moved out there was almost zero tech except for the few large enterprise companies.

I wish the area the best and its a great place to live in for the 3 months of good weather they have :)

I also grew up 30 mins outside of Syracuse. South though.

I grew up in cuse and went to school at RIT.

Why I'd never go back: 1. Snow, 2. Taxes

Why I'd go back: 1. Insanely cheap 2. Hot plates

Thus is life.

The snow is less of an issue lately (we only got ~6ft of snow this year in Syracuse, thanks to a warm Pacific (yay climate change...)).

Con #2 is largely offset by Pro #1.

Yes, this winter was mild compared to last winter. I still have a lot of wood and eco-bricks left over for next year!

1. I don't mind the snow.

2. Taxes totally suck. I am at $6,000 a year.

3. It is cheap.

4. Hot plates? I don't follow this :-)

Hot plates (also called 'garbage plates', or just 'plates') are a Rochester thing.


oh! yes, there was a place in Rochester, I think it was called "Sals" or "Salvatore's" and they had a $5 garbage plate when I was younger.

Did you mean garbage plates ;-)

The terms are interchangeable. One of the common ingredients are "hots" (i.e. hot dogs).

I am 35 mins south of Syracuse.

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