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They're not trying very hard to steal mindshare with only a half dozen jobs (three of which are actually dev jobs) listed on Craigslist. Seattle has page after page of software jobs on CL. I'd totally consider a move to NOLA, but I'm not packing my bags just yet.

I mean, seriously, is the article just BS? Even my old stomping grounds of Indianapolis (a.k.a., "Naptown", a.k.a, "you'll be writing code for an insurance company") has twelve pages of software jobs, and NOLA has six jobs total? Did I look in the wrong spot (http://neworleans.craigslist.org/search/sof)? Is my single data point a poor representation of the market?

It's not like its a ton better, but there's at least a few dozen openings here: https://worknola.com/job-search/field_job_function/it-softwa...

Craigslist is barely useful here - even most apartments for rent on there have been rented out weeks or months ago.

Two issues at play here: 1) NOLA companies don't list on CL 2) NOLA companies haven't learned to all post their jobs

Honestly, if the interest is really there, the jobs are here.

NOLA is oil, food, and booze. No tech options unless you're in Chem/Process Engg.

They don't go into details on available jobs but I would speculate that these graduates are working in either in hospitality/food service, which recovered after katrina, or petroleum, which increased dramatically with the expansion of the shale and fracking technologies in the US.

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