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Voting makes people feel powerful in the same way that playing the lotto makes them feel rich.

The issue with voting, or any exercise of voice, is that it is a positional good; i.e. "winner-take-all" [1]. Even if everyone has one and only one vote, power will tend to accumulate in the hands of a few "influencers". It is easy for influencers and rulers to serve each others interests, directly or indirectly, while by-passing the rest of the population.

If we are doing an apples-to-apples comparison - government centrally planned economies vs. corporate centrally planned economies - then yes, the ability to exercise voice is a point in favor for economies that are planned by governments. However, I find it to be a rather weak point. That corporations are limited in what they can do to individuals (they can't imprison, kill, rob, etc.) and that they are subject to tort and criminal law, is much more essential to liberty, justice, and self-governance for the general population.


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