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Definitely a kind gesture from this CEO considering that some people won't even leave a tip when they're served wild caught fish by a minimum wage employee at their favorite restaurant, however, this is a first-world donation. Sure, we shouldn't judge his donation on how much he sacrificed personally, but IMHO it would have more impact to human progress if he actually sold the stock to help refugees that actually are in need of housing, bread, and water.

If what I wrote above doesn't make sense to you, perhaps the following quote will resonate with you: "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have little." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

If the CEO is not sure where to donate to 'provide enough for those who have little', then giving to those that 'have much' and having them make the decisions might actually be a good choice.

I never felt too positive about piling up of money for years/decades to donate it later instead of distributing it among the people in the organization now.

Sure, if you believe in an impactful plan that needs lots of money. But even then I could see arguments against it.

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