I heart Gaia GPS, thanks. I find the interface a bit confusing, but that's a tough problem to solve given a large feature set and a small touch-only UI.
Thanks, that's a fair criticism and a kind allowance.
I think you'll see the UI improved greatly this year... as of last Monday, we have 7 full-timers working on Gaia GPS, and we're looking for a designer to help with the UX right now. Things really blossomed in 2015, and 2016 will see more engineering work on Gaia GPS than any other year.
I think my main problem is that I've never used GPS hardware or software, so I have a distinct lack of familiarity with the standard concepts, making the learning curve that much steeper.
Fortunately, I really don't need much. Primarily recording (off)road trips in the Jeep, and downloading maps in advance of excursions where I suspect cellular data will be flaky.