Uber has to be in China because they raised $RIDICULOUS on a valuation of $MORERIDICULOUS. That valuation is premised on the idea that they will somehow be part of the fundamental physical infrastructure of the world, in a more-than-just-taxicab kind of way. Disclosure: I think that this is an absurd premise. But it's their ambition.
So they have to eventually show solid steps on being more than just a taxi company for rich dense North American cities, because they claimed they were worth $MORERIDICULOUS. They have to pursue some more ambitious schemes. One of those is getting a dominant position in the market of the 1/7th of the world that is most rapidly growing in wealth.
Uber has to be in China because they raised $RIDICULOUS on a valuation of $MORERIDICULOUS. That valuation is premised on the idea that they will somehow be part of the fundamental physical infrastructure of the world, in a more-than-just-taxicab kind of way. Disclosure: I think that this is an absurd premise. But it's their ambition.
So they have to eventually show solid steps on being more than just a taxi company for rich dense North American cities, because they claimed they were worth $MORERIDICULOUS. They have to pursue some more ambitious schemes. One of those is getting a dominant position in the market of the 1/7th of the world that is most rapidly growing in wealth.