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Brain to Brain: The Therapist as Neurobiological Regulator (2010) [pdf] (janinafisher.com)
61 points by magda_wang on Feb 8, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

The way we position our bodies dramatically influences -- and is influenced by -- our subconscious. This article has a lot of really interesting applications in psychotherapy of the body influencing the mind!

This article reminds me of a book I read a few years ago, Joe Navarro's "What Every Body Is Saying" [1]. If you're in the business of working with people more than programs, this book might be useful, but even if not, a lot of it was a good intellectual curiosity. There were plenty of things that I got to try noticing and playing with on my own body; for instance, how I hold my hands in any given situation (palms out? palms in?) is a good indicator of how comfortable I am, and it's an interesting experiment to "force" myself to place my hands somewhere other than where they naturally lie, and just lightly observe how it makes me more or less comfortable. (If you're bored in a meeting, I highly recommend giving it a try.)

Thanks for this link.

[1] http://www.amazon.com/What-Every-BODY-Saying-Speed-Reading/d...

Very interesting the implications of adding more neurobiological feedback in the context of therapy. Might not have enough context unless you're in or around psychotherapy. Crossdiscipline is really the only way to get at the complexity of humans - if you totally ignore the social individual aspects for repeatable data you're missing a very large part of the picture, and vice versa.

I found the article fascinating enough even without being in the field. It was so interesting, in fact, that it made me reach out to a psychologist friend of mine and ask for a referral.

I'd never heard of 'sensorimotor psychotherapy', but it sounds a lot like 'somatic experiencing', with much the same model of how the nervous system stores trauma and can recover from it. So you'd likely find that interesting too. Peter Levine's book "In an Unspoken Voice" is probably the best starting point.

Thanks! Purchased.

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