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Ask HN: Who's Hiring?
129 points by Coax on Feb 5, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 179 comments
It's been a while since there has been a "who's hiring" thread. What companies out are there looking for hackers?

SpaceX, Los Angeles. With the Obama administration's recent budget recommendations for NASA (cutting the Constellation program), we're continuing our expansion. Mad C++ & Linux skillz? Want to write code that lives on the International Space Station or controls our vehicle while it visits? Think humanity should colonize Mars? Drop us a line, we're hiring. Visit spacex.com/careers for more info.

This is quite possibly the first job posting I've ever seen that has made me want to write C++.

"This is quite possibly the first job posting I've ever seen that has made me want to write C++."

yeah me too. And I am not even looking for a job! But it is probably US only. And I have no intention of traveling. Going through the degrading visa app process is not worth it.

This is quite possibly the first job offering that has made me want to move to LA.

sending c++ up in space - i's wouldn't want to sit on the spacecraft

c++ is legitimately a bad choice -combination of python and c, or compiled safe languages like lisp/ocaml/haskell is better

This is quite possibly the first job offering that has made me want to move to LA.

Is this a US only job? Seeing as you would be writing code that runs on a vehicle on Mars, maybe you could accept code from a different part of the Earth? ;-)

Yeah, unfortunately. The job requires either US citizenship or permanent residency. If you're interested in the reasons, google ITAR.

Too bad! Ah well, hopefully someone else will compete with the United States for Space Exploration in our life time. Nothing like fierce competition to stimulate making things easier for people trying to work for you!

ok so I scanned through ITAR and it has 20 categories of items on the "Munitions List". If any non US hackers want to be "Munitions Expert"s, keep reading.

(1) Firearms, Close Assult Weapons and Combat Shotguns (2) Guns and Armaments (3) Ammunition/Ordnance (4) Launch Vehicles, Guided Missiles, Rockets Torpedoes, Bombs and mines (5)Explosives and Energetic Materials, propellants,Incendiary Agents and their constituents (6) vesels of War and Special Naval Equipment (7) Tanks and Military Equipment (8) Aircraft and Associated Equipment (9) Military Equipment and Training (10) Protective Personnel Equipment and Shelters (11) Military Electronics (12) Fire Control, Range Finder Optical guidance and Control Equipment and (13) Auxiliary Military Equipment, (14) Toxicological Agents (15) SpaceCraft systems and Associated Equipment (16) Nuclear Weapons (17) Classified Articles, technical Data and Services not otherwise enumerated (!!!) (18) Directed Energy Weapons (19) Reserved(??) (20)Submersible Vessels and Oceanographic Equipment (21) Miscellaneous Articles

with lots of items under each heading.

And here's the bit that most affects hackers.

Section 121.8

(e) Firmware and any related uniques support tools such as computers, linkers, editors, testcase generators, diagnostic checkers, libraries of functions and system test diagnostics specifically designed for equipment or systems covered under any category of the US Munitions List is considered part of the end item or component. Firmware includes but is not limited to circuits into which the software has been programmed.

(f) Software includes but is not limited to the system functional design, logic flow, algorithms, application programs operating systems and support software, for design , implementation, test, operation, diagnosis and repair.

Hey, on second thought I think I like being an "International Munitions Expert" Better title than "Code Monkey"!

So this seems to make open-source software aboard a spacecraft illegal. At least the software specifically intended for spacecraft operation. That's a shame.

Yeah it gets a bit crazy. At work we can't link to matlab because it is covered by ITAR.

Sounds cool. When I have my greencard I'll send you my resume... ;-)

If you're interested in the reasons, google mars metric crash. ;)

government delights in shooting its own foot

Please open a Belgian office :-)

Ok, it's the third time in less than two weeks that I'm going to pitch it, but I think it's for good reason: I think that a good solution to all of these "who's hiring" threads is on the website that I'm working on.

Please take a look at http://job4dev.com. We want to make it more than a simple job board. Our goal with this site is to make it a tool where people can do research about the job market on their own. A "wikipedia of the tech market", if you will.

Things that are relevant to recruiters: posting jobs is free, provided there is enough information about the company and the nature of the project.

Things that relevant for job seekers: you can get custom RSS feeds, based on location (you can filter by country or state), type of job (part-time, contract...) or by tags. So if you are a Python programmer in Boston, you might be interested in this: http://job4dev.com/jobs/feed?province=MA&country=USA&...

Just for now, you don't need even to create an account to use the website.

I added myself some companies: I got listings from Mixpanel (http://job4dev.com/company/mixpanel) and AdMob (http://job4dev.com/company/admob).

Please, take a look and help me help you to find a job. :)

I appreciate what you're doing. But I don't appreciate you sending me an email culled from my listing here.

That's fine and well, but not all hackers are developers or programmers. I like threads like the one we have going here.

Salesforce.com - Looking for a disillusioned web developer that just spent a year or two bootstrapping own startup but now wants to save some money, get some health insurance, and live in San Francisco.

Build cool demos with me and then one day...go back to the startup world.

You are 70% backend, 30% frontend.

We'll pay you a lot.

If you must see the actual job description, here it is: http://www.salesforce.com/company/careers/locations/a0800000...

It's vague for a good reason. We don't want someone who has been coding in only one language for the last 5 years. We need someone entrepreneurial...more like a jack of many trades.

I know there are people like that out there and I'm willing to wait to find someone good.

I just sent you an email, but I forgot to mention that, yeah, sure, you can pay me a lot. Consider this my P.S.

haha, good pitch... except you don't have any contact information here or in your profile that's publicly viewable ;)

Done deal. If you are interested, send me an email w/ resume. Ba dump ching!

Did you fill the job already? Looks like your email address disappeared.

My company (http://postabon.com) is hiring 1-2 great programmers in NYC!

These are our first technical hires, so you'd have a huge impact early on in a growing startup!

Experience with Git, Linux, a dynamically typed language (Python, Ruby, etc), a functional language (a lisp, Haskell, etc), HTML/CSS/JS, mobile app development, etc. (or any subset thereof) would be great.

If you come work for us, we'll pay you well, give you benefits and equity, and you'll get to work on a lot of cool stuff. In the short term, we need to do a fair amount of front end work. In the longer term, you would have the option to work on a variety of other things (depending on your skills/interests) like mobile app development, building a facebook app, machine learning, moving into the (Lisp) backend, and a lot more.

Email me (address in profile) if you're interested!

If you are posting job opportunities for a large company (Google, Facebook, Yahoo etc.), can you please provide personal contact info. Many people likely already applied at such firms but were nicked because of their more unique backgrounds.

Is anyone hiring for non-technical positions?

I'm posting this on behalf of my wife, but I'm sure there's some other people on this site that would be interested working for a startup, but aren't necessarily programmers or designers.

So, anyone hiring in non-tech positions? Ad inventory management, sales, project management, content administration... any of those jobs needed to actually run a site.

(Submitted this a few days ago, but it fits under this topic better than by itself.)

I'm very interested in project management in the bay area

yes http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1104550



feel free to either contact me or submit job via web form

I'll let my wife know.

LinkedIn is hiring across all our groups. Mostly a java shop, we are also working with Scala (and, semi-covertly, Clojure (at least I am at any rate)). http://www.linkedin.com/static?key=jobs_open

Nested parens. Nice.

Bump Technologies: We are looking for smart people that fit our culture. Mac/Obj-C/iPhone/Cocoa/Android experience a plus, but not required if you are interested in learning iPhone or Android.

The Bump App is one of the most popular iPhone applications with >9M downloads. Our Bump SDK lets anyone add bumping to their app in ~9 lines of code. We have a big vision and are having a lot of fun! :) Half of our dev team came from HN. YC/Sequoia/Conway backed.

Email jobs@bu.mp and mention HN.

The Democratic National Committee is looking for engineers to help us build out tools for the 2010 elections and http://www.barackobama.com/

More info here: http://jobs.37signals.com/jobs/6116

I wonder if PG should implement a feature for a regularly scheduled article for this question.

The alternative is for one of the expanding membership of this site to randomly decide there hasn't been a discussion of this topic "in some time" and post this and get some quick points (not saying that this is happening here, now, but I can see the potential for abuse)

If people want to score karma points, they are welcome to do so, I couldn't care less. That doesn't give them much more privileges anyway…

I would add that I don't think that an automated post is a good solution. Companies and recruiters would figure that out pretty fast and spam the regular posts. I'd think there's more chances that it stays pretty organic the way it is right now.

I sorta like this idea. Job boards are nice, but a HN "Job Fair" post sounds better.

It's the normal evolution of a community website - http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=433896

Follow this with a post asking how many people scored jobs from HN.


Created 100 days ago, karma 41.

Account creation dates are just that, when the account was created. Personally, I was reading the site for a while before I ever created an account.

Android / iPhone / Web / Backend

We speak scala, Obj-C, java, python, Thrift, whatever gets the job done.

#1 productivity app on Android, and TechCrunch/MobileCrunch named us(3banana) one of the top ten apps on Android.

Please shoot me an email at hn@snaptic.com

Looking for folks to come hack with us in South Park, SF.


I'm looking for members on my team here at TripAdvisor, near Boston. We're building apps: facebook, iphone, "and others.."

Drop me a line and I'll fill you in with more info. Or you could come to a talk I'm giving at MIT on Monday and meet my haircut in person!

BackType is hiring software engineers. Our tech blog has a small glimpse at some of the tools we're working with: http://tech.backtype.com

We're also contributing to some cool projects: http://github.com/nathanmarz/crane

Could be nice if the poster could said if the jobs are US-only. Begin in Mexico I know I would appreciate it.

Axolotl is hiring developers to work on health information exchange web applications. In particular I'm trying to find a specialist release engineer. We're in Silicon Valley. http://www.axolotl.com/careers.html

Awesome, awesome company name btw.

We're hiring across the board, from Python developers to sys admins.


Ning is hiring. We have some Apache guys, some PHP guys, etc. We need more people in Ops!


We also need more application (front-end) and platform (back-end) developers. People who are comfortable in both worlds are definitely welcome.

Have a look at the job link posted by ohlol for descriptions of these positions as well.

Can you post your email please

What do you need, exactly?

I would like to find out more about your role, how you like it there etc.

Ah, OK. E-mail me at <ss1602782@gmail.com>.

Squarespace (NYC) is looking for developers. We're building some cool new stuff and we have a good time doing it. Drop me a line at pdedios@squarespace.com if you're interested.

OpenDNS is hiring really fantastic computer scientists who want to run very large systems.

A focus on global networks, security, and performance.

Lots of C, Linux and FreeBSD, BGP speaking processes and some python are all in use here. The website front-end is PHP. New tools are welcome.

Your code will touch our 10s of millions of end-users every second of every day.

ITA software is hiring an implementation engineer in Cambridge, MA:


ITA's the place to be if you're into the air travel industry. The job is to be a technical go-to guy for airline/travel IT folks while they get up and running using an ITA product, like our search engine QPX. There's a lot of freedom, management gets out of your way and you just do whatever needs to get done. You can use any language for personal projects, web app demos, etc. Knowledge of lisp is a plus. Also we get catered Friday lunch, free snacks, great benefits, and a surprisingly good tea selection. You can ask me questions or shoot me your resume (email in profile) but along with your resume, do one of those programming puzzles we have up on the site.

CollegeHumor is hiring a PHP developers. We are in New York City. Come work for us!


Guidewire Software in San Mateo is still hiring developers (and QA and product managers), primarily on the more senior side at this point. Applications are written in a mix of Java and our C#-ish JVM language called Gosu (open sourcing later this year, we hope), the platform infrastructure is pretty much all Java, and we do a lot of testing and use a lot of agile practices to organize our releases. You can apply from the website (http://www.guidewire.com/about_guidewire/careers_listings), which will go straight to HR, or send me an e-mail (akeefer at guidewire) directly if you'd prefer and I'll answer any questions you have and/or pass along your info the appropriate parties.

SB Nation is hiring engineers and designers: http://www.sbnation.com/jobs

We're a network of community-driven, fan-centric sports news sites, with a passionate audience of around 9 million. It's an interesting and challenging space to be working in, especially given the current transitional period for news media.

Engineers mostly code in Ruby/Rails. Other stuff in the stack: Linux, Apache, Mongrel, HAProxy, Memcached, Solr, MySQL. We have nice offices in a great neighborhood. People are smart and friendly. We're well-funded, pay well, and have solid benefits. It's a good place to work.

We're based in Washington DC but are open to remote workers. Apply at our jobs page or email me directly if you have any questions.

We're looking for a Lead Developer at SeatGeek.

We're in Manhattan. Truly compelling work; good comp/benefits. Email me at jack@seatgeek.com if you want to learn more.

Posterous is hiring frontend engineers, designers, and Rails hackers!


Twitter is hiring for systems, frontend, etc. We're pretty polyglot but the majority of integration with the web app is ruby, a good deal of the backend is Scala and the rest is whatever works best.


Okay, really, I want you to apply for Systems. We're building horizontally scalable, distributed, big data systems that can take unprecedented growth. The company is only a 134 people right now, and your impact as a developer would be huge.


Sounds interesting. I'll apply. (I'm a new grad from Case Western, and I'm really good at learning languages and systems I don't know quickly, and I have at least a passing familiarity with tons of topics.) I am curious though: the requirements mention "deep knowledge of a compiled language". What part? The language, the compiler, the libraries, the generated code, or something else? I've got the first two in spades for C (and Objective-C, but somehow I doubt you're using that much) and can figure out most anything about the third and fourth in a few minutes with the right book or Google query.

EnticeLabs is hiring hackers with a thing for UI and print design in the Salt Lake City / Provo Utah Area. We're turning the HR Recruiting space upside down, growing like crazy, and have great customers.

Learn more about us at http://www.enticelabs.com

Check out the position here: http://www.enticelabs.com/EL/engage.me?j=489def8a421da130759...

Anybody hiring in India/South East Asia??

On a separate note - maybe we should start a thread for startups outside the US looking for devs.

Yes, Wingify (Delhi based) is looking for software engineers to work on online marketing technology. http://www.wingify.com/

Any European startup hiring ?

TomTom in Amsterdam is hiring. Looking for junion and senior Java/Javascript/Flex/Scala/Lucene/GridGain/Hadoop/Mahout folks to work on next-generation location services. Ping me at eric.bowman@tomtom.com.

Mixpanel (realtime web analytics) http://mixpanel.com/jobs

HarQen is hiring. Venture backed. Working on a web telephony platform. We hope to be to voice what Oracle was to databases.

We're looking for a Java Ninja.

More info here: http://docs.google.com/View?id=ddrmdxkz_107d7szcqfw

Plus test out our flagship product here, incidentally an interviewing tool: http://interview.harqen.com/interviewnow/2113/2965

Bonuses points: - Member of an above-average band - Like Indiana Jones 1-3 - Invisibility

kaChing is hiring. http://www.kaching.com/company/jobs

We're disrupting the mutual fund industry: $11 trillion market. Whoa.

Looking for great hackers: Java, Scala, Rails. Downtown Palo Alto CA. Lots of cool tech and a 5-minute commit-to-deploy cycle.

AboutUs is hiring: http://www.aboutus.org/AboutUs.org/Jobs

We have a lot of interesting challenges--if you want to deal with tons of data and pretty high traffic this is a pretty great place to be.

We're primarily Ruby/Rails. A new project features HAML, SASS, and well-factored javascript. We use Scala for some heavy lifting. We use MySQL, Memcached, Tokyo Cabinet, and are evaluating Cassandra for our backend. It's a challenging place to work.

Eventbrite is hiring a frontend dev, a serious python backend engineer, and a UX expert.

If that's you, email me at luke at eventbrite. Awesome, profitable, growing, Sequoia-backed company.

NREC (CMU's Robotics Institute applied research arm) is generally looking for people with robotics background (perception, planning, positioning) and good C++/Linux development skills. We write software to automate anything from tanks to haul trucks. If you've worked with cameras, lidars, GPS receivers, inertial sensors, are a machine learning expert, or hacked your Roomba to vacuum better than your mother, let us know!

Qype, Europe’s largest local review site is hiring, if you're looking for a job in Europe/Germany:


we are a small team with big challenges ahead. Location based services is an exciting area, we're experimenting with "20 percent time" and looking for great Rails developers and a sys admin/operations engineer.

This is a post for entry level jobs.


This comment should be at the top of the page.

Webs.com, right outside Washington DC (Silver Spring, MD).

Looking for a front-end developer (HTML/CSS/JS) - email me if you're interested: ryan@webs.com

Working at Webs, for me, was a life changing experience. They took a chance on me when I was young & inexperienced and really launched my career. It's a gem in the DC/MD/VA area.

Great work environment, smart people, and an awesome place to work.

Haha, I always forget you're lurking around these parts.

The man speaks the truth, people. ;)

I'm also looking to possibly add a contract head to my roster. I run a small technical services company who develops connected TV/OTT/interactive TV applications. We're based in SF and likely would need someone on site in the SOMA/South Park area. I'm in the same building as Engine Yard and Sauce Labs (Sauce Labs actually rents a few desk in the same suite as me - though they're mostly in their own space now). We've done work for CBS/Brightcove/ The UFC and a few others.

I'm looking for a contract junior dev mostly with Javascript skills, but with the ability and desire to dive into new platforms and programming languages.

Can't guarantee much right now but I have a ton of work in the pipe that could make this a regular to full time position.

Drop me a line info@adifferentengine.com if this sounds like something you might be interested in.

Red Hat is hiring: https://redhat.ats.hrsmart.com/cgi-bin/a/alljobs.cgi?qty=25&...

(Don't worry much about the location as you search -- most positions allow working from home too...)

CitrixOnline (makers of GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, GoToMyPC, etc.) has a number of positions in the Santa Barbara / San Francisco area for software engineers, primarily using Java.


I have a bunch of friends working there and they all love it.

Successfactors in San Mateo, CA is hiring:

Application Security Architect https://performancemanager4.successfactors.com/career?compan...

Application Security Pen Tester https://performancemanager4.successfactors.com/career?compan...

Application Security Code Reviewer https://performancemanager4.successfactors.com/career?compan...

Nasuni is hiring - Cloud Storage startup near Boston, MA (Natick). Python developer, Test/QA Engineer, Inside Sales Rep, Admin. Assistant.

We're in stealth right now, please do contact us if at all interested!


We have two positions available. For both we would like at least a year of experience with C#, but if you're a perfect fit in every other way we'd still like to talk to you.

1. We're looking for someone who's really good with MS SQL Server (database design, query writing, administration, etc...).

2. The other position is for a web developer and designer that can quickly build professional looking dynamic web application GUIs and connect them up to the backend.

The company is Conversive, Inc. http://www.conversive.com/ We are a small, but growning, customer service automation solutions company. Location: Agoura Hills, CA. If you'd like more info, you can contact me at "aaron" at the above domain.

We're hiring in Sofia, Bulgaria:


AdMob is still hiring software and operations engineers for a variety of different roles. E-mail jobs@, visit http://www.admob.com/home/jobs, or e-mail me directly at kevin@admob.com.

Hi Kevin, hope you don't mind, I took one random listing from the website and put it on job4dev.

- The company page is located at http://job4dev.com/company/admob

- The listing I took is located at http://new.job4dev.com/jobs/708/admob-performance-engineer

Please feel free to add others.

Google is hiring for positions everywhere.

I can't find your email address on your blog or in your profile. I know you're pretty new there but I'd like the chance to talk to someone working at google now.

Submitting resumes online is like dumping stuff into a black hole :(

My email is my user name at gmail.com.

My firm Hashrocket is hiring senior web designers, front-end specialists, and Rails programmers for our offices in Chicago, Jacksonville Beach and Santiago, Chile. Might have a position for a geeky business analyst too.

Current headcount at 35 and growing fast by doing kick-ass work for our clients while sticking to strong Agile values like fulltime pair-programming, strict BDD and quick iterations. We're known for our deep expertise in Rails, but quickly growing a reputation for our work with MongoDB also.

Email jobs@hashrocket.com for more information.

oneforty inc. (Brighton/Boston/Cambridge, MA) is looking for a front-end user experience person: http://bit.ly/oneforty-ui

American Roamer in Memphis, TN is hiring. We are the leading provider of wireless industry data and data analysis. If you've seen a map of coverage availability, it's likely that we made it. We provide an interactive mapping tool written in Javascript with Ruby and Java backend services. I'm pretty sure local candidates are being considered first.


Yahoo! is hiring

In particular, Yahoo Mail is hiring top Javascript and front-end programmers. We have wicked smart people working on one of the most popular apps on the web, and we're looking for more. Drop me a line; my email is in my profile.

Yahoo! Search is looking for frontend engineers with strong JavaScript and/or PHP skills. Feel free to email me directly (ryan@wonko.com) and I'll put you in touch with the hiring manager.

Atalasoft is looking for support engineers. We make .NET imaging SDK's and all of our customers are developers, so all of our support questions are programming questions. See http://atalasoft.com/company/careers to learn more or apply. We're in Easthampton, MA in the western part of the Massachusetts (2 hours west of Boston, 45 minutes north of Hartford, CT).

We are. Ruby on Rails shop (http://turingstudio.com) - we essentially operate as an external engineering team for startups. Current projects include a well-funded, pre-launch social networking project for preteens, a web-based CRM for non-profits, lots more in the pipeline. Distributed team, smart people, desperately need more engineers. Hit us up at jobs@turingstudio.com.

Where are you based? And if you're not in the SF Bay Area, are you open to telecommuters?

I can't find an address on your site.

Blue Frog Gaming is always looking for hackers to help us make social games. Experience with RoR or Actionscript is a plus but not mandatory.

What is a way by which a person interested in such a position could contact you? I looked at your blog, which was quite interesting, but I did not see any method by which to contact you other than the comments on the blog.

I would assume through here: http://www.bluefroggaming.com/jobs.php

But a direct way to contact him/her would be nice so that you don't have to deal with getting past the HR wall of nonsense (i.e. 30+ years of Java experience).

email to matt@ will work. Thanks!

We're looking for .Net devs (Silverlight experience a bonus). We're based in Guildford in the UK. You can find out more about what we're going from a video we've just done for channel 9 http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/David+Gristwood/Real-World-Az....

Email me if you want more info.

We're hiring Frontend and Backend engineers with varying range of experience from fresh-grads to experienced. We're a LAMP shop (P is for PHP). We're doing a lot of interesting technical projects that are bridging the print (physical) and social gap. Send your resumes to BeAStar@tinyprints.com and put [HN] in your subject line.

IMFT is hiring.



Electrical/Computer Engineers with strong programming (C/C++) skills are welcome to apply for the Probe Test Engineer position.

Is anyone hiring for less-experienced roles? Either for new grads, or for someone who is trying to change careers.

I'm in the same boat... It seems that startups have even more stringent hiring requirements, because they want someone to prototype fast from day one.

Yeah, I guess it's a bad time to switch careers.

Ventana (in SF) is hiring coders, user experience experts, and other people excited about creating something to make healthcare simpler and better. http://www.ventana.com/corp/careers

Coders should apply with a puzzle solution (comments, questions welcome).

Bizo is looking for a UI/UX person in the SF/Bay Area. We are a good group of people and the company is growing fast. We recently came in second place in the Amazon Web Services Challenge and also raised about 6M from Bessemer Venture Partners.

Most of the eng team are HN lurkers and/or commenters...

Drop me a line: donnie at bizo

I just joined the Bizo team three weeks ago. Great company, fantastic people (~15 total now), and, as Donnie said, we're growing very quickly.

Bonus points for foosball, ping pong, or GH/RB skills.

Craigslist , developers in San Francisco. If you are coming from HM send me an email to pablo @ craigslist.org

Justin TV http://www.justin.tv/jobs Please apply (:

Storm8, the #1 Role Playing Game company on iPhone is looking for someone to hack with us. (http://www.storm8.com/2010/01/18/software-engineer-objective...) We are located in Redwood City, CA.

If you want to work for an awesome financial services startup in London, look no further than youDevise!


(I use to work there before I needed to move back to the states - I miss it a lot!)

Flurry's hiring. New York or San Francisco. Looking for developers with Java experience that want to work with large datasets / Hadoop, also possibly some mobile phone client work - iPhone, Android, Blackberry, possibly others. Mail greg -at- flurry dot you-know-what.

Trulia is looking for a few good search engineers. In SF, good culture, not too big, not too small. Java but not enterprise java, hadoop, solr, lucene. Great place to work. http://www.trulia.com/jobs

Hands on Apps engineer for series A startup tackling energy efficient lighting. In bay area. Looking for smart problem solvers, as this product is in a new space (networking meets LEDs). http://bit.ly/dcMTVy

We are at Performable. We're located in the Boston area and open to telecommuters for the right person.

More details here: http://www.startuply.com/Jobs/Software_Developer_1984_1.aspx

Y'all related to Exceptional? Have a similar name and that logo is practically identical. http://getexceptional.com/

Panjiva, a NYC/Boston startup I worked for last summer, is hiring (http://panjiva.com/jobs). Their web app uses Rails and they're looking for a web app engineer and an information retrieval engineer.

Mochi Media is looking for hackers.

   Work in SF.
   Code in Python, Erlang and ActionScript(Flash).
   Open Source contribution a plus.
See http://mochimedia.theresumator.com/

I'll toss in a recommendation for Mochi Media. They were very accomodating to me during my brief stint with them 2 years ago. The briefness was my doing, not theirs.

Inventables is looking for a few awesome ruby/rails engineers in Chicago: http://www.inventablescorporate.com/careers/positions-availa...

We're always looking for green-but-promising and rockstar-veteran software engineers, preferably with C# and C++ experience. Local to Reston, VA, USA is pretty much a requirement.


Invite Media is hiring in Philadelphia and New York City.


Big engineering problems, an amazing team, growing quickly, and free food/beer!

Would love to hear more -- can I email you with some questions?

Gravity Mobile (http://gravitymobile.com) is looking for smart, experienced, engineers with J2ME/BREW/iPhone/Android/WinMo/Blackberry skills. Email to haseman at gravitymobile dot com.

I might be looking for a subcontractor if a contract comes through.

Looking for a good all around programmer with database and web development skills (Python a plus). Ideally I'd like someone in the MD/DC/VA area but remote work might be possible.

Email me if interested.

Wikispaces is hiring in engineering and sales: http://www.wikispaces.com/jobs. We'll cross 4M registered users today (see our front page). We're an 8-person company in SOMA.

DailyBooth is looking for talented engineers. Email jobs@dailybooth.com for more info.

We're hiring a Facebook Developer or just a PHP developer who wants to do Facebook apps.



I'm hiring a Jr. PHP/Drupal developer. Great gig for someone fresh outta school. http://www.fiercemarkets.com/about_us/join_our_team?job=3

Kiha in Seattle is still hiring people, especially if you have experience with Android (or other mobile development), NLP, data mining, or web services. http://www.kiha.com/

Trulia.com in San Francisco is hiring engineers who know PHP, Java, or system administration.


Presence TeleCare is hiring. (http://www.presencetelecare.com)

We're looking for a good Flex engineer. We're an early startup and it would be our second technical hire.

Lolapps is hiring! We're looking for smart engineers to work on social games. Check out: http://www.lolapps.com/aboutus.php?s=jobs

I'm looking for someone In the SF Bay area with metal casting experience to do some paid consultation. I know, this isn't programming related, but it is science related. Email geuis.teses@gmail.com.

Have you looked at http://thecrucible.org/ ? Perhaps they could put you in touch with someone.

Yeah, I did. They're more about teaching than putting artisans in touch with potential customers. There's nowhere on the site I could see to get in touch with community members. Kind of funny, since they proffer themselves as a community organization.

That's too bad. The only other thing I can think of is TechShop, but they don't have the same focus. I know they at least have a board up in the kitchen area where people put up ads and requests, but I don't know if there would be any casters. Good luck!

We're hiring java devs in London, we're working on Mobile payments, SMS, MMS and VoIP


Dolby is hiring, in Santa Clara, looking for a javascript/REST/Erlang/Mongo person to hack/design/etc on a distributed validation engine. DM f00biebletch or email kevin.mcintire at dolby.com.

I'm looking for a freelance developer to build against a business plan. I have a $15K budget at present. Selling tickets and downloads. adrian at bopgig dot com for further info.

I might do front-end work.

We're looking for mobile developers and UI designers in Palo Alto. http://www.thinkcomputer.com/corporate/jobs

Justin.tv is looking for a data engineer (analyst) and a mobile products engineer (iPhone/Android hacker).

( http://www.justin.tv/p/jobs )

WePay is hiring PHP engineers in Palo Alto, CA (www.wepay.com)

We're looking for Rails and Flex developers: http://www.blurb.com/join_us

edit: And helping people make books is cool! :)

drop.io, Brooklyn, NY.

Most of our stack is in Ruby - always looking for good front-end hackers as well. Especially if you like clouds, you might be into what we're cooking up. Check out http://drop.io/jobs, http://dev.drop.io, or stalk us here: http://twitter.com/ChrisRicca/drop-io

nearly forgot - I'm chris@dropio.com

i got stood up twice by the founder of drop.io who never showed up to two separate meetings he setup.

really awesome to have to pay $20 you don't have for a taxi to meet the companies founder and then have them not show up, twice.

i would highly advise against applying

Facebook is always hiring, check them out @ http://www.facebook.com/careers/?ref=pf

Wikia is hiring in SF and Poland. Both technical and product roles.


MileMeter, in Dallas, TX. See http://milemeter.com/jobs for details.

we at neustar have a ton of openings for software developers etc. Our better known brands are webmetrics and ultradns


UltraDNS is awesome! (But I'm biased since I did the Admin UI.)

Any one out in Tx?

MileMeter in Dallas, Tx. See http://milemeter.com/jobs for details.

Google is hiring.



We're a rapidly growing, venture funded company.

We have a bunch of interesting problems -- from pixel servers that see a pretty decent percentage of the internet's net web traffic, to scaling our large hadoop cluster, to real time bidding on ad exchanges, to predictive models for demographics.

If any of the above sounds like your thing, feel free to drop me an email.

do your own thing - why work for someone else? With platform as a service like aws,appengine,heroku you can build your own salesforce/google/ebay from scratch with no money/hardware/scaling bs

being downvoted on a site all about startups for suggesting to do a startup!

Still Off-topic for the thread, tho.

Slideshare is hiring in their San Francisco (SOMA) and Delhi offices http://www.slideshare.net/about/workatslideshare

ExtraHop Networks in Seattle, especially if you're into systems-level programming or networking. Email me: ben@

Fi you're looking for work in the Minneapolis are and have .NET and mobile phone skills, holler.

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