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"the JSON format wasn't intended to be human readable / editable"

Recruiters, not developers, generally read resumes. They are not used to reading JSON and it is hard for them.

You realize the idea of JSON resume isn't "Write your CV in json and send that to your employer"... right?

It's actually quite sound: JSON Resume wants to standardize CV fields to improve compatibility between tools, ease conversion, ease theming and such.

It's a joke because it sounds good on paper but the execution is awful. I tried it out and the resulting CVs are look completely unprofessional, except they took three times as much effort.

This was my experience with JSON Resumes as well. I tried it out and eventually went back to MS Word.

I got all my data in there, although I found the schema to be very limiting. Then I went through 50-70 themes and none of them actually looked good when exported as a PDF or something you can email to someone else. Note to theme creators: 30px padding everywhere does not look good and makes things harder to read.

I could have customized a theme to fit what I wanted, but the schema was garbage. At that point, I might as well toss the schema and generator and implement my own resume template using something like Underscore, but it was a lot simpler to use Word.

You can render it any way you want to. The example themes aren't the point.

Yeah I still think its a good idea, its nice to have all that information stored somewhere. If its in json then I can use it in a program or if I want to do it manually then I can read the json file directly. Definitely better then the scribbles in my notebook.

I don't really understand what part of it constitutes a "joke".

I was on about a specific resume that featured on HN about a year back (give or take). I wasn't aware of jsonresume.org when I made my comment. Sorry for the confusion.

I actually... didn't realize that.

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