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Not to brag, but I have a pretty well put together resume in HTML: http://greg.team-duck.com/resume.html

While almost no one accepts .html as a resumé format and it's difficult to convert to .pdf or .docx seamlessly, it works pretty well for converting to .txt for some job applications.

I've thought about making a simple resume builder for this format.

I find that format quite heavy, would move education to bottom, trim down each job to tangible achievements/projects completed ("delivered project X using Y" vs "improved features"), remove all stamps & logos, and do away with honors and awards - recruiters in software development are unlikely to be impressed by those unless it's something really big. That would help increase signal vs noise ratio.

Granted, the type of CVs I usually look through are for a slightly different skill set but I believe the same reasoning applies.

You trying to kill people with text?

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