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> The thing about food riots is, they are over quickly because, starvation.

Food riots usually happen well before mass starvation, and usually are over quickly because one of four things happens:

(a) The government accedes to the demands of the rioters, or

(b) The government distracts the rioters, often with a manufactured external crisis, or

(c) The government convinces the rioters that continuing the riot will lead to more pain than whatever provoked the riot and no positive results (often, by fairly direct demonstration of this),

(d) The riots escalate to outright rebellion, and the government is toppled and replaced (often resulting in [a], but sometimes this becomes a distraction along the lines of [b]; this often follows an attempt by the government at [c].)

> And in this modern age of transportation there's really no need for anybody to go hungry. We can feed everybody. If somebody in North Africa is hungry, its their politics at fault.

Even granting that, manifestly people do go hungry, particularly in nations that don't generate enough domestically to feed their people and would have to rely on imports to do so (though, even in the most developed countries that are also net food exporters, some still go hungry.)

Climate change, even before considering increased variability, changes which countries political deficiencies produce major food distribution problems and the accompanying pressures, which, historically, have led to mass violence, both internal and interstate. That its a political and not technical problem might be emotionally satisfying, especially when the problem is mostly in distant countries, but it doesn't actually magically make the problem go away.

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