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Hey, whaddya mean "even" Australian? ;)

I agree with you otherwise, though I'd remove Japanese from that list. The streets of Tokyo are not exactly paved with gold these days.

Even as in about as far away from everywhere else as you can get ;)

No offense meant, I know quite a few people from Australia and without exception they're really nice.

Far away from where? I'm 6 hours from Singapore, 7 to HK or 9 to Tokyo, and - more importantly - they're mostly straight up so there's no jetlag. I think you live far away from everything! ; )

No offence taken, of course!

Paris 4 hours by car, Amsterdam, 2, Brussles 3, Berlin 6 ;)

I should come one day to visit Australia.

Wow. I don't know where I got confused but for some reason, I thought you were Canadian. Oops. I love Europe, though - been to all of those cities except Brussels.

Let me know when you do make it down under - beers are on me!

I've lived in Canada for 5 years, I still have a 'token' paper presence there but I'll wind that down this year because I definitely won't be going back.

Also plenty of my domain names are still registered to the Toronto office.

So that's really not your fault :)

I live in the South of the Netherlands right now.

Maybe he's a New Zealander?

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