Then explain Android popularity in Europe ;) . 'on average', we are richer then the US ( Belgium and the Netherlands), I also believe your 'facts' are just assumptions based on nothing ( didn't downvote you though :) )
Android has roughly 2 billion users. Europe, which is rich on average, has 0.5 billion people.
Do you now see how it is possible that the average Android user is kinda poor, even though Android is also popular with certain people in Europe, who sometimes are rich?
I don't see how averages are relevant here. Android might have more usage among low-income users in certain countries, but in other countries (e.g. most of Europe) it has a vastly bigger market share, certainly not only because of low-income users. While the average ad impression on an iPhone might generate more revenue (that sounds about right), there are more ad impressions on Android in total, making this irrelevant to the topic of discussion. Additionally, the fact that a) country X is low-income on average and b) country X has a 90% Android market share doesn't have any meaningful effect on the price of ad impressions in high-income country Y.
About 1 billion Android devices were sold in 2014, versus less than 200 million iPhones. Even if we assume your number is correct, that means 250 million Android devices were sold to users in high-income countries. Even if we assume that 50% of those users fall into the low-income range of their respective countries (the "Android users are on a budget"-argument), that's still 125 million Android devices owned by high-income users. The remaining 875 million users surely are gonna generate at least as much revenue as the remaining 75 million iPhone users in this scenario, don't you think?