I'm genuinely curious which projects you are thinking of when you mention Apple. Shedding GPLv3 and refusing to (for example) update Bash because they do not want to use anything licensed under GPLv3 is pretty.... I dunno, I'm just curious what projects you're thinking of when you say that. The walls of that garden are pretty high.
What "disadvantage" are you referring to? The one that forces companies to give back in the same manner that allows them to use the work of others for free? Yeah, that is so shitty.
Or Samba. When given the choice to abide by the GPL and open source their Samba changes, or to drop everything; they did the latter and wrote their own SMB implementation. That was three or four OSX releases ago and it's still buggy as hell. The only one who lost here are Apple's paying customers.
Have to agree, had a lot of pain when they first switched, their initial release/update was broken/poor to say the least.. the hangs and performance issues aside even.
Big Corporations can have mixed messages. Apple (My most hated company in Tech has also been very good to Open Source with some projects)