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Don't blame the sword, blame the holder.

Swords cannot think. Cisco executives can.

That point could be argued.

With all respect, business is business. CISCO is not an instrument of the US foreign policy. Its a company, with responsibilities to shareholders. Looking at their stock, they are doing OK.

If you create a bomb that can destroy the universe, are you really gonna blame who pulls the trigger?


If holding swords is illegal, shouldn't we prosecute sword makers ?

If the sword makers design a sword specifically to kill members of a persecuted minority, then yes..

Common criminals also constitute a persecuted minority. What kind of criminal do you consider worthy of protection and what kind should get persecuted?

Perhaps people should follow the law of the country they're in to avoid persecution. Don't publish state secrets in the US, don't have sex with other men in Saudi Arabia and don't broadcast anti-state messages in China.

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