Total agreement. Linux on the mainframe is really silly beyond utility purposes, whoever the business people are that convinced senior IBM management otherwise really pulled a fast one.
POWER8 is designed for UNIX, and adjusting for certain parameters goes beyond what x86 servers can do in the same footprint and reliability. Price is approachable to people who need the reliability these kinds of systems can provide. IBM systems have grown a lot in common over the years, with AS/400 or System i and RS/6000 or System p melding together, POWER8 kit has a lot of mainframe inspired RAS features.
POWER8 is designed for UNIX, and adjusting for certain parameters goes beyond what x86 servers can do in the same footprint and reliability. Price is approachable to people who need the reliability these kinds of systems can provide. IBM systems have grown a lot in common over the years, with AS/400 or System i and RS/6000 or System p melding together, POWER8 kit has a lot of mainframe inspired RAS features.