A simple library that is similar (but not multi-database; this said, at least you don't have to learn another syntax for SQL)
- Minimal wrapper over JDBC.
- Querying done in SQL. You should not be afraid of SQL. If you are, you should not be doing anything above the trivial CRUD.
- Centralizing object marshaling and unmarshaling - each object should know how to sync itself and its descendents
- Single syntax for inserting and updating
- Ruby-like objectivized JDBC fetching with exception handling
- User-definable deep fetching and updating (almost Hibernate-like).
- Batch API to avoid round-trips when submitting multiple queries.
- Minimal wrapper over JDBC.
- Querying done in SQL. You should not be afraid of SQL. If you are, you should not be doing anything above the trivial CRUD.
- Centralizing object marshaling and unmarshaling - each object should know how to sync itself and its descendents
- Single syntax for inserting and updating
- Ruby-like objectivized JDBC fetching with exception handling
- User-definable deep fetching and updating (almost Hibernate-like).
- Batch API to avoid round-trips when submitting multiple queries.
- Stats collection and similar stuff.