This text misses two very important sub-areas of statistical learning, so much so that I can't believe they gave their textbook such a broad name ("statistical learning", more like a subset of it. The whole book doesn't have a single mention of the word "markov". Seriously disappointed.).
- Graphical models
- Probabilistic logic, probabilistic programming, bayesian data analysis, etc, etc.
Can anyone point to good introductory texts?
I know for the first, Koller's text is highly recommmended but I'm not sure if it's at the introductory level.
As someone in the field, I don't think there are any texts at below the level of Koller/Friedman. Universities rarely if ever teach graphical models to students below the level at which Koller/Friedman is appropriate.
- Graphical models
- Probabilistic logic, probabilistic programming, bayesian data analysis, etc, etc.
Can anyone point to good introductory texts?
I know for the first, Koller's text is highly recommmended but I'm not sure if it's at the introductory level.