Are you folks aware that 1000 years is already a very long time? Any number bigger than, say 100.000 years is just the same as infinity, regarding to time.
This "infinity" problem simply requires too much faith, and will never have real evidence. Not very good attributes for a credible theory.
Maybe it's about time to get a better one, with less time involved? This way the faith required would be at a real human reachable level.
> Any number bigger than, say 100.000 years is just the same as infinity, regarding to time.
Tell that to a geologist or an astrophysicist and you'll be laughed out of the room. There's plenty of evidence of timescales in the millions and billions of years.
If you take, let's say, 10 thousand years, and try to explain every single detail of our planet, in all branches of science involved, you get the whole picture completely painted, without contradictions.
Big numbers are just imagination, there's nothing you can prove about it. The so-called "measured" numbers of the age of different fossils etc. found are actually selected numbers of years: they pick the ones they agree with their theory, and discard all the others (that is, the majority). Very scientific, indeed :/
I'm aware about the creationist newish trick of trying to remove the 'god' factor out of their 'theory' during arguments.
Simple Newtonian physics could easily prove you can't /possibly/ reach a stable equilibrium in a system of the mass of the earth/moon for example in just 6k years. Let alone all the other fancy goodies flying around in the rest of the universe.
We don't need fossil records there. So unless the fairy in the sky built the universe, let it sat unused on a shelf for 13+ billion years THEN decided having Adam seems like a cool idea to break the boredom of perfectly stable orbits...
Are you folks aware that 1000 years is already a very long time? Any number bigger than, say 100.000 years is just the same as infinity, regarding to time.
This "infinity" problem simply requires too much faith, and will never have real evidence. Not very good attributes for a credible theory.
Maybe it's about time to get a better one, with less time involved? This way the faith required would be at a real human reachable level.