Cool. I've been writing Scala and Clojure wrappers for a larger Java project, and I ran into a minor hassle last week with Scala/Java integration and I read something that indicated that things would be easier with Scala 2.8. I am downloading the beta right now to see if there are any problems using it with InteliJ 9.
Scala/Java integration will always be somewhat of a problem, that requires thought and effort to get right. Any default way of converting between classes will leave some people going "WTF?". Jorge Ortiz's scala-javautils[1] can be helpful. Googling for these utils will lead to some blogposts discussing the problems of fully automatic conversion.
Named and especially default arguments is the win for me. I couldn't bring myself to start ripping out our Java code just to have to do all of the same silly method duplication all over the place.
I haven't been this excited about a new programming language version in a long time. It almost feels like a bigger deal than the change from Java 1.4 to 1.5!