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I really feel Bostock et al. are creating art. I'm just learning D3 at the moment and I am consistently blown away by its elegance.

I read an article about the similarities and differences between data art and data visualisation a short while back (couple of weeks?), but I really can't seem to find it right now. Mike Bostock's visualisations, though very visually pleasing, always tend towards the functional side of the spectrum, serving a purpose of enhancing the comprehension of concepts or relationships that lie in the data, rather than being designed for purely æsthetic aspirations.

There's obviously a place for both visualisations and art, though, and the line between the two is not always clearly defined.

Think this might be the article you're looking for; figured I'd throw a link out in case it was: http://lisacharlotterost.github.io/

Was posted recently. Comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10737876

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