Hi vinhboy, I'm sorry you had a bad experience with us. As you can imagine, we have a lot to do as a 2-person startup and we have to prioritize things. Deleting funnels just hasn't made its way up the priority queue yet =)
I'd appreciate the chance to talk to you further and get any other feedback you have. My email is tim@mixpanel.com. Thanks!
Hey Tim, and anyone else reading this. I don't mean to criticize, and I have spoken with you before and I know you guys are working hard. I just wanted to give others perspective on my experience. I hope you guys keep up the good work.
Bullshit. More like: Oh shit, I didn't realize you were not only here but classy enough to respond in a professional and friendly manner to my calling your startup "garbage".
Comments like this one criticize those who are big enough to realize their tone mistake, and reshape their next response. There may be a better way to handle it then saying "bullshit" as that will inevitably draw a line in the sand.
Other hackers: I was about to install Google Website Optimizer for multivariate testing on a startup I've been working on. Should I try Mixpanel instead? Or does Google still have the edge?
Ok let me explain myself. MP is very easy and reliable to use, but the problem is when you get into their dashboard. It's hard to analyze your data since there are no reporting tools. In Analytics you can create really detailed reports to segment your data and measure against certain metrics, in MP you just get basically a click logger. Also my gripe with the funnel setup is that you can create an unlimited amount of funnels, but you cannot delete them. You can only view your funnel by week-duration and no other time frame. There are also no built-in baseline metrics. If you want to track user's browser, OS, or whatever, you have to log those yourself. Some might consider that a feature, I didn't enjoy it.