As opposed to engineering school? Do you think the problems real software architects are ought solve are inferior to those whose real architects solve (if they really do it any better than the software ones)?
If you answer no to the last one you should read the Chaos Report.
In technical terms, the problems in software are just as difficult as in buildings, but you don't have to deal with inspectors and building codes and aesthetics.
(Which is a big part of the reason I choose to work as a coder ;)
I am saying that a top notch architecture school is much more demanding than an equivalent engineering school, from my experience. I say that having lived with ME and CS roommates, at U of Michigan, while I was in school.
Oh yes you have. Basel regulations are one of the top drivers of architecture initiatives in the finance industry.
Talking about aesthetics, Information Architecture, from the data model to business objects model (or what the users call the fields in an user interface), even the the names you give to the applications are a big aesthetic exercise.
An aesthetic exercise where you your audience is the business side, and you need to appeal to their comprehension.
If you answer no to the last one you should read the Chaos Report.