And doing serious development on lap tops realy! you need some decent 2 or 3 monitor set ups with a nice i7 workstations with some nicer mechanical keyboards and mice.
Yes I know you can get docks etc for laptops but its far more expensive for the same performance.
Just for ergonomics alone you should use a desktop setup over a laptop setup for any prolonged periods. It's as good as impossible to use a laptop and not be hunched over.
Or you could use a docking station with proper keyboard, mouse and monitor(s). Works great if you also need to attend some meetings or conferences from time to time.
Also, as a developer I don't need i7. SSD, great monitor, keyboard and mouse, and lots of RAM, yes - but CPU? Depends on domain I guess.
> Or you could use a docking station with proper keyboard, mouse and monitor(s).
Proper keyboard, mouse and monitor(s) setup is what I meant with "desktop setup". Of course whether the actual computer is inside a laptop, inside a desktop cabinet or inside a phone does not matter for ergonomics.
Yes I know you can get docks etc for laptops but its far more expensive for the same performance.