I looked for that in the article, but it seems the issue was deliberately avoided. I doubt it will be allowed. My memory on this is fuzzy, and I can't cite authoritative sources for obvious reasons, but I'm pretty sure there are multiple companies that know how to press PS2 discs with the obligatory "copy protection" [1] signatures. I assume the market wasn't flooded with these ~10 years ago because anyone with a DVD burner could be selling the latest games on the street for chipped consoles before a pressing operation was even finished cutting a glass master.
[1]: Scare quotes because these mechanisms don't directly have anything to do with copying. They're designed to distinguish between licensed and unlicensed discs, regardless of the content. Copying the content of a PS2 disc is trivial, as these things go.
It… sort of does. It doesn’t actually use the original disk as anything but a piracy dongle; the game you play is downloaded from their servers and run directly from the hard drive.