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Review of Let over Lambda by Doug Hoyte (john.freml.in)
24 points by vii on Jan 16, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This book is a little controversial among lispers. There was a discussion about it recently on c.l.l.


I'm thinking about reading it. Some people don't like the editing, since it's self-published and doesn't have a lot of polish. It's also pretty heavy on the author's opinions (which might not be a bad thing).

That book is a troll with an ISBN. It's funny, intelligent, odd, and irritating. But it will not teach you any Lisp.

I liked the parts of it that I have seen, but in a perverse, guilty-pleasure kind of way.

I love that on the books own page it is described as: "Let Over Lambda (ISBN 978-1-4357-1275-1, 376+iv pp.) is one of the most hardcore computer programming books out there."

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