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Slightly off topic - but I'd be interested to know how Seamless etc have affected tips for delivery drivers. I add a tip to my Seamless order, but don't really have any idea how much of that gets to my delivery person. I could give no tip on Seamless and tip in cash, but I'm concerned that the people in the restaurant might just think I'm cheap.

That's something I never understood - why would you tip delivery drivers? Like....what is the logic behind tipping someone for doing exactly what they are paid for - delivering product from point A to point B on time. I can sort of understand tipping waiters if they make me feel special or cared for, if they smile and are nice in general - they put extra effort in, so I can understand tipping. But delivery drivers?

Could you not argue that a waiter making you feel cared for is part of their job? A delivery driver could be prompt, or be lazy.

But more to the point, there are various jobs widely known to be totally underpaid and depend on tips. For instance, you tip bartenders in the US even though all they are doing is pouring you a beer. Is it "right"? Of course not. But it's a widely accepted societal norm in many countries, and is an assumed part of that person's income.

If the delivery was prompt, and the food is in good shape when it arrives that seems tip worthy to me.

Quality of service questions aside though the bottom line of whether or not you should tip comes down to if the person in question is working for the tipped employee minimum wage or the standard minimum wage.

If they are paid according to the tipped minimum and you don't tip based on your ideological view of the appropriateness of a tip for their job function then you are an ass.

>>If the delivery was prompt, and the food is in good shape when it arrives that seems tip worthy to me.

It if didn't arrive in good shape, I would be asking for a refund, or at the very least not ordering form that place anymore.

I don't know, it's weird - I currently live in UK, where tipping waiters is defacto standard(and not because they make below-living wages), but I would never ever think to tip a delivery driver. Like....why would I? This makes absolutely no logical sense, just like I wouldn't tip a plumber or a car mechanic for fixing my stuff on time - they are already taking money for the service.

I currently live in UK

There's your issue. Tipping culture in the UK is very different to the US. Mainly because, as you say, they do not make below-living wages.

But within you example, I still don't see the distinction. Waiters can treat you badly or well - and you tip them accordingly. Delivery drivers can treat you badly or well - and you tip them accordingly.

The distinction is, that a waiter can make or break the entire experience in the restaurant. Amazing food can be spoiled by rude waiters, or poor food can be improved by ones that are very nice.

In contrast, my experience with the delivery driver is limited to the 10 second it takes for them to hand me my food. Literally every single takeaway takes payment online, so for years now my food was already paid for before it was even delivered. So all the driver has to do is give me my food. He doesn't even have to say anything, there's no conversation to be had, "delivery experience" to experience. So why tip?

Because the drivers are paid a lower wage under the assumption that they will get tips.

If you want to be righteous call the manager at the place you're ordering food from and complain, don't stiff the guy delivering pizza for a living.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was the case where you live. Like I said in my other post - I live in UK, where tipping waiters is completely normal(and no, not because they earn low wages), but an idea to tip a delivery driver has never occurred to me, nor does it make any sense. That's why I asked for an explanation, why does anyone tip delivery drivers. For the sake of avoiding future confusion - what are other professions that are tipped where you live?

Don't tip via the app. Just put in 0 and hand them cash. That way you know they are getting it. If they refuse at least insist a few times.

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