Maybe this should be "second-person tetris" since you rotate with the block. I would expect a first-person tetris to offer either a view from the POV of the blocks downward, or from the base upwards at the blocks headed my way.
It's third person, but with a visual frame of reference fixed to the piece, at the time the piece appears on the screen. I don't see how that's even close to first person.
The "person" in this case is the person playing tetris. But since the screen rotates with the piece it desroys the FPS effect, unless people rotate their heads like that when they are playing tetris :)
This really seems to mess with the part of my brain that's been optimized for playing Tetris, even after ~50 lines... It's like going from being fluent in a language to a complete noob again.
I guess it's necessary in order to see the blocks at the bottom, but the ultra-wide field of view makes it hard to tell visually when the blocks have reached the top two levels.
There are two blockout clones for Android: one named Blockx, and the other named Blockout. I haven't tried either, but the spirit of the game is apparently still alive.
This reminds me of Tuper Tario Tros, in which you play a version of the NES Mario but have to switch to playing Tetris so you can have blocks to jump on when there are walls/gaps that are too large.
Curious, why you would have had one version work and one would not work.
What could have happened? DNS poisoning, site owned by squatter, or most likely scenario, site is hosted on a low-cost provider, which switches to squatter version when the site gets too much traffic.
I can play first-person shooters all day long, but this makes me motion sick, and I had to stop after a few minutes. It's a shame, because I really like the concept.
I apologise unreservedly.
I do not use reddit, and found this on some IRC chan to distract me for a few minutes... I figured it would die like all my submissions have with less than 20 upvotes and a few comments about similar implementations or pros/cons of such a drastic change to user interface.
It was just that the submission was leading to a placeholder landingpage instead of a game; so I looked it up on reddit to see if anyone had a mirror. But, now, the submission is leading to the game. Odd.
If you're relying on straight pieces you're doing it wrong!
Back when I was starting with Tetris I would always try to avoid "holes", i.e. empty spaces that are covered on top. And this leads to the requirement for the straight pieces.
I became much better when I started to accept holes and instead just try to keep the top edge a nice shape compatible with many blocks. The straight pieces become a bit of a nuisance, actually.
I think you take a major strategic step when you force yourself to use the straight pieces horizontally. You learn how to play without relying on them to clear large areas.