Funny you say that given JavaScript's immense popularity. JS is by far the most popular and easy to learn language out there and has a large, inclusive community. There are little reasons to knock JS these days, especially with the upcoming language extensions and powerful tools like Babel.
React Native in my eyes has done a fantastic job of demonstrating highly performant JS driven applications that are accessible to tons of developers. An added bonus is the luxury of bundling in millions of existing NPM modules along with existing native modules. Facebook in my eyes is doing better at solving the code portability problem than Google, they are extremely focused, whereas Google, they want us to build things in a million different ways. Which direction do we go? Web components? Angular + Typescript? Dart + Flutter? Or maybe some new development far on the horizon that is the new way?
React Native in my eyes has done a fantastic job of demonstrating highly performant JS driven applications that are accessible to tons of developers. An added bonus is the luxury of bundling in millions of existing NPM modules along with existing native modules. Facebook in my eyes is doing better at solving the code portability problem than Google, they are extremely focused, whereas Google, they want us to build things in a million different ways. Which direction do we go? Web components? Angular + Typescript? Dart + Flutter? Or maybe some new development far on the horizon that is the new way?