That post shows that what PG is doing is
a first-cut effort at a statistical
hypothesis test but with being
vague on assumptions and without
any information on false alarm rate.
In particular, in my post,
get to compare sample
averages without making a distribution
assumption. Indeed make no
distribution assumptions at all.
Yes, distributions exist, but that
does not mean that we have to
consider their details in all applications!
Come on guys, this is distribution-free
statistical hypothesis testing, and we
should be able to use that.
That post shows that what PG is doing is a first-cut effort at a statistical hypothesis test but with being vague on assumptions and without any information on false alarm rate.
In particular, in my post, get to compare sample averages without making a distribution assumption. Indeed make no distribution assumptions at all.
Yes, distributions exist, but that does not mean that we have to consider their details in all applications!
Come on guys, this is distribution-free statistical hypothesis testing, and we should be able to use that.