And I’d have to write a patchset and maintain it to get rid of it.
It’s as if my browser had a copy of Wolfenstein3D integrated.
Funny easteregg, but just a waste of development and testing time, and a waste of storage space.
Every line of code costs time and money in testing.
And here it costs me time every few days to fix new issues that were introduced when the code changed, to update my .patch, reapply it, recompile, repackage. Every few days. All the time.
And when the regression with Gtk3.14 -> 3.18 regarding Drag-and-Drop is still not fixed, but they have time and money to implement, test and bugfix this, sorry, but then I am seriously out of options for running a stable, customizable no-bullshit browser.
It's a bug in e10s mode, which is still a beta feature that you need to enable! If you want a stable browser, WTH are you enabling opt-in, explicitly unstable features?
Okay, then which version of Firefox supports a single tab crashing without the whole browser crashing with me not having to enable e10s?
Because I have enough of Firefox Stable with just recommended settings completely hanging up or crashing every time it encounters flash or similar things.
Flash already runs in a different process, even without e10s enabled.
Dunno why your Firefox is crashing every time it encounters Flash or similar media, but I can assure you that's not a common experience. Maybe try enabling click-to-play?
I filed a bug report for that, too, and it discovered multiple gaping holes in the sandbox, which, luckily, only allowed null pointer dereferencing (so no RCE problems, but still DoS)
I can easily submit a patch to remove pocket and place about:reader more prominently.
Is it going to get accepted into Firefox? No. Just like the last 5 times people tried to do this.
What I currently do is constantly keeping my patch up to date and recompiling Firefox for my Desktop and Laptop (ARCH and Kubuntu) every night based on the current source from the latest trunk release.
But it’s not nearly worth the effort to do this when the browser could easily accept one of the many patches people have written by now to get rid of pocket as part of the system and to move it into an addon.
Same with the ad-ridden new tab page. Put that stuff into an addon and allow me to uninstall it.
Expose the EME DRM feature as plugin on the plugins page, and allow me to uninstall it (I do not know if this is yet the case, I haven’t checked).
I don’t want to have to maintain a huge patchset just to run my browser.
I already have to hack-fix bugs like the before mentioned drag-and-drop bug myself (or downgrade to Gtk3.14).
It’s as if my browser had a copy of Wolfenstein3D integrated.
Funny easteregg, but just a waste of development and testing time, and a waste of storage space.
Every line of code costs time and money in testing.
And here it costs me time every few days to fix new issues that were introduced when the code changed, to update my .patch, reapply it, recompile, repackage. Every few days. All the time.
And when the regression with Gtk3.14 -> 3.18 regarding Drag-and-Drop is still not fixed, but they have time and money to implement, test and bugfix this, sorry, but then I am seriously out of options for running a stable, customizable no-bullshit browser.