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Yep! If you're rather read about the features, we've got a blog post up at https://hacks.mozilla.org/2015/11/developer-edition-44-creat...

The DevTools Challenger page is meant to be a more hands-on set of exercises to familiarize people with the new / improved animation tools. You should be able to complete it in regular Firefox (or even Chrome), but the experience will be a bit nicer in DevEdition.

The Challenger site seems to consistently crash Firefox if you have https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/react-devtool... installed. I don't know if React was used to make the site?

Not too sure if is this something that should be reported to Mozilla or to Facebook.

An add-on crashing Firefox is definitely a bug on our end, even if it's also a bug in the add-on. :) I've filed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1221273 to track this, but I can't reproduce the crash myself. The page doesn't use React, FWIW.

If you could stop by that bug and leave a comment with your OS, Firefox version, and build info from about:support, I'd appreciate it.

(If you find a bug in the React devtools, please report it on our GitHub page and we'll get it fixed.)

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