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Just for the context, Anarcho capitalists believe that minimizing the government is not possible. For them, once a government is established, it always gets bigger.

From the `Impossibility of limiting the government` section of `What must be done`[1]

"Now, once the protection monopoly (government) is in place, a logic of its own is set in motion. Every monopolist takes advantage of his position. The price of protection will go up, and more importantly, the content of the law, that is the product quality, will be altered to the advantage of the monopolist and at the expense of others. Justice will be perverted, and the protector becomes increasingly an exploiter and an expropriator. More specifically, as the result of the territorial monopolization of protection, two tendencies are generated. First, a tendency towards the extensification of exploitation, and second, a tendency towards the intensification of exploitation."

[1] https://mises.org/library/what-must-be-done-0

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