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Is that article serious? I appreciate that GP's post is atrociously misguided but that article can't be serious can it? Are there really people out there who believe this?

I had a look at this guy's other articles and it looks like the trashiest of linkbaits. "Reddit's Terrorists Have Won". "How MRAs Killed the World". "The Big Business of Internet Bigotry".

Author might be overcompensating for something...

Edit: Took a closer look at his articles. I generally appreciate opinion pieces, but this guy is either writing about women/feminists (neither of which he is), or about gamers (which he quite clearly isn't either), in a way that lets him just talk without the "threat" of opinions opposite to his own, which he heavily bashes. Wow. I need a shower after this.

Arthur Chu is a rather... special case. Stay far away from his Twitter if you value your sanity and faith in humanity.

I've never heard of him before today, FWIW, but you did get me to google his profile - what with your reverse psychology ;-) - and... well, it's not that bad. It's a pretty standard twitter profile for someone who thinks having 25k followers makes him the voice of god... but I've seen a lot worse on twitter than merely misguided people.

Regardless, I genuinely don't understand the appeal of outrage-writing over subjects that simply do not concern you. For example, I'm straight but I'm also a proponent of gay rights - does that give me any right to speak "on behalf" of gays? Isn't the entire "I'm not [gay/black/a woman] but..." ideology of people stealing other people's voices exactly the reason some countries or communities have societal problems with various minorities?

I guess that's part of the reason I hold him in such contempt- a lot of his comments have made their way into my Twitter feed, and I've yet to see something that wasn't either directly advocating irrationality (c.f. https://archive.is/xfjyi), blatantly speaking on behalf of the supposedly marginalized, or making uninformed statements on something or other.

No intelligent being should ever have the right to speak "on behalf of" any other intelligent being without their direct approval, any other standard is massively insulting.

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