Interestingly, the same is not true for Islam was ("founded", "founded by", "spread by the sword") or Muhammad is ("a false prophet", "satan", "the antichrist") or was ("born and raised in", "born", "illiterate"), or Allah is ("satan", "great", "not obliged") or was (which, intriguingly, has just a single suggestion, "a moon god").
I'm actually having a hard time finding anything else that is similarly blocked. Makes you wonder what the completion list had been popping up before they blocked it, eh?
It's not that hard to find other blocked terms. Just try something that's socially sensitive or offensive. Such as 'n----rs are ' or even 'chinese are ' (note: 'swedish are ' works).
I wouldn't be very surprised if they had some sort of algorithm to generate the blacklisted terms as opposed to manually cherrypicking them. We're talking about Google here.
Google could learn a lot by analysing which suggestions are presented and how the user reacts [chooses one, presses enter as is, leaves site, types something else]. You might be able to correlate this with how useful / how hateful the suggestions are.
Perhaps there is too much noise or too even a distribution - if there are too many nearly-equally weighted results for "Islam is" to make a good suggestion, does it not even try?
My pet theory was that it was based on the length of the query, since "Islam" was the shortest word on the list of terms. That got shot down by "Allah is ". I guess it really is censoring.
I'm actually having a hard time finding anything else that is similarly blocked. Makes you wonder what the completion list had been popping up before they blocked it, eh?