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Thoughts on RethinkDB and GraphQL (github.com/rethinkdb)
112 points by rayshan on Sept 29, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 31 comments

Apart from GraphQL itself, two things are pretty impressive about this thread. 1) Impressive community to have such an informed set of comments in a matter of a few days. Congrats. 2) People have to talk like that in a very hard to follow way since we used to have better ways (NNTP, mailing lists) but now they are gone in favor of worse systems.

Anything specific you find hard to follow here?

The commenters are great, so they provide a discussion that makes sense, but is a wall of comments one after the other. It is possibly the most primitive way to interact, compared to something like Reddit comments with collassable threads, votes, and so forth.

> something like Reddit comments with collassable threads

There are ways to add it here on HN with extensions. I'm using "hckr news" myself:


Then there is "HN Enhancement Suite" with more users and more functionality:


I believe he meant the GitHub thread, though those are still useful extensions (for Chrome users...).

GitHub issues aren't threaded, which means that there's a whole nest of @mentions to identify the specific person to whom you're referring.

I might be the exception, but I find Github comments much easier to digest and manage as an archive than mailing lists. In all the years working in the industry, I could never get used to mail lists.

Agreed. It's a trade-off – threading leads to repetition and/or references to already-mentioned ideas. The more truly linear a conversation is, the better Github's style is, and the more a discussion splits into multiple independent conversations, the better the threading style is. Unfortunately, you can't know a priori which kind of discussion it will be, and most discussions are a hybrid.

Personally, I find a linear style with mentions, quotes, and backlinks (a la Discourse) strikes the best balance for most conversations. But of course we'll never all agree.

Here's the wonderful thing about email and nntp: It provides a list of backlinks, and it's up to clients to decide to render it in the form of either backlinks and mentions, or in the form of threads, instead of forcing the choice on you.

That sounds very nice in theory, but in practice I've never seen an implementation that is as easy (for me!) to follow as Github's or Discourse's linear flow. Links to the great implementations that I've missed are very welcome!

I have no idea what you find easy to follow -- I have no idea what's going on in a typical Github or Discourse thread. Gmail is also pretty confusing.

Do you mean you have no idea what I find easy to follow, or that you can't understand how I find it easy to follow? I don't have any trouble at all with the typical Github or Discourse thread, and I don't think there's anything confusing about Gmail. On the other hand, when I go to Gmane or someplace, things seem all over the place. But I recognize that my experience isn't universal. Like I said, we'll never all agree. I really like the idea of leaving it up to a client to organize things however works best for an individual, but I'm not aware of a good implementation of such a thing.

I mean that my idea of 'easy to follow' is far enough off yours that I haven't looked for what you're looking for, and I have no good way to really evaluate any examples I could google up.

I read somewhere that they're trying to add realtime support to GraphQL, but the problem which GraphQL solves is only an issue if you use HTTP as a transport.

If you use a pub/sub realtime layer on the frontend, you don't need all the complexity which GraphQL introduces - You can make each component bind itself to a pub/sub channel which publishes changes to the resource which that component is interested in. It's a lot simpler and more direct.

I always figured that a pub/sub implementation at the database (instead of the application layer) would shine brightest in infrastructure and reporting situations.

Yes, there are a million ways to arrange for my landing page to 'listen' for every time I make an account change. But getting auditing and analytics and read replicas all working properly has always been a very big drain on developer resources, and if done wrong can create site-wide performance problems. I can't tell you how many times someone has demanded a handful of reporting indexes on the highest (write) traffic tables and then doesn't understand how the whole app got so slow. "I want to know every second how much money we're making today and I don't care if I drive away 10% of our income to get it" sigh

What I've wanted every time I've done persistence work in the last 15 years is to be able to have one database that's a partial clone of my 'real' data but with different indexes and lifetimes, without having to re-invent the wheel to get it. I have my fingers crossed that RethinkDB will become that product.

This is interesting. Do you have an example or perhaps a library i can look more into? Would this work with phoenix channels?

I made this sample using SocketCluster (I'm the main author): https://github.com/socketcluster/sc-sample-inventory - I wrote a basic realtime CRUD module/layer using SC's internal in-memory storage: https://github.com/SocketCluster/sc-sample-inventory/blob/ma....

That was just for experimenting, now I'm working on a proper version using RethinkDB with a better realtime CRUD interface. My solution doesn't rely on RethinkDB's changefeed feature though, so you should be able to implement a similar binding for any database. WORK IN PROGRESS: https://github.com/SocketCluster/sc-crud-rethink

Basically, the realtime pub/sub layer sits directly on top of the database such that any change made to the database must pass through that layer (The pub/sub layer is responsible for notifying relevant subscribers - Not the database).

As someone who is currently experimenting with RethinkDB and GraphQL for a personal protect, I have been impressed with both technologies and they have been rather straight-forward to integrate with my React frontend, even without the blessing of official support. I expect the productivity gains could be huge when working on bigger apps. It's a refreshing perspective compared to the RESTful single-page app I maintain at my dayjob.

That sounds awesome. Are you developing this on github? I'd be curious to see what your integration looks like.

Baking Facebook's graph representation into a database sounds like the worst kind of database bloat. Worse than when Riak decided they needed "MapReduce" on their feature checklist, then warned developers to "Use MapReduce sparingly" because it kills your availability.

Graph technologies change all the time. Almost nobody will be using GraphQL in 2020, just like almost nobody is using 2010's graph representations in 2015.

I have high hopes for RethinkDB to be a DB that does things right in the long term, so I hope things like this appear only in the form of plugins that are easily disabled by users, and easily deprecated by developers.

It's understandably a little difficult to extract all of the relevant context out of that thread in the issue tracker, but the current consensus is indeed that this feature should be built with a plugin system--on top of the database's existing query language and feature set.

The plugin system will provide a sort of middleware layer alongside the database so that we don't have to bake in a lot of things that are domain specific or only relevant to particular use cases.

There's more discussion about the plugin system here: https://github.com/rethinkdb/rethinkdb/issues/4785

(Disclosure: I work at RethinkDB)

To be fair, GraphQL is, just like SQL, a query language, it specifies "what" the client wants, not "how". There is no "baking in the database". Which means, the server can use SQL or NoSQL or graph or XML database, or LocalStorage or any combination of them, to provide a response to a query -- it does not matter, long as the response is there.

This client-server separation setup has been around for some decades, and it obviously works well. For example, there is a bunch of NoSQL databases that will accept at least some SQL syntax. That is good.

GraphQL is not a query language at all. It's an API-building DSL. It's analogue isn't SQL, it's REST. Or WSDL + SOAP.

It does not have things like filtering, ordering, subqueries, etc. -- you can implement those things, but that would be just one possible implementation, specific to your data model. You wouldn't be able to point just any GraphQL client at it; the client has to know what to ask for, and how.

GraphQL is almost totally unrelated to graphs, it's a way to compose API requests in a manner that fits modern web / mobile usage patterns better than REST. GraphQL has nothing to do with the actual representation of the data. I think the name has led to a lot of misconceptions.

Hi I'm Nick Schrock and I actually came up with the name. Graph in this context means social graph or more generally the conceptual graph of data in your application, which you can query. It doesn't mean that it is a formalized graph database in any sort of way, nor does it seek to be.

I understand the name causes a bit of confusion but the ship has kind of sailed on this one :-) I think people will get used to it if/when it becomes a widely known name.

Ironically, the "query language" part also misses the mark, and I think that part confuses people more (as in that RethinkDB discussion).

GraphQL is closer to what we call a protocol; it has minimal syntax, a kind of data model, and it can only be used for declaring requests. You can't implement anything in GraphQL: absolutely all of its expressions are implementation-provided — contrast with, say, SQL, which, being an actual query language, defines operators, arithmetic expressions, mutations, etc. A defining quality of a protocol is that it's a medium through which clients can talk to multiple black-box implementations, which is exactly what GraphQL is.

I like GraphQL, but I wish you'd thought through the name before you started to publish about it. If you'd called it something like Extensible API Protocol, nobody would have batted an eyelid.

I'm sure you're right because you have the power of facebook behind you but yeah the name is problematic. I agree with lobster_johnson in that it's not a "query language" either, it's more like an analogue of JSON.

Virtually every graph database vendor now gets requests that they implement GraphQL, because from the name it sounds like it fits but in reality it's totally unrelated.

Oh, right, I've encountered examples before of Facebook saying "graph" when they mean "API".

That sounds like an even sillier thing to put in a database, then.

It's a query language. Every database supports at least one query language. It's certainly reasonable to argue that natively implementing multiple query languages is "bloat" or "feature creep" (as some in the comment thread point out and suggest alternate approaches to avoid), but I don't think it's silly.

APIQL would have been a better name

I've been playing around with GraphQL and Relay recently. Initially I was using PostgreSQL, but I was using an ORM which made implementing pagination annoying.

Previously I had played around with RethinkDB, so I decided to give it a shot with GraphQL. It actually works out really nicely, you can do an almost 1:1 copy of the cursor helpers available in graphql-relay-js using ReQL.

I think the biggest pain-point for me has been having to dig in through all the source code, since there's not much documentation and examples available. Although, there's a ton of inline comments and type definition which has made it palatable.

As a related aside, I was researching what people had done and found a discussion surrounding GraphQL and ArangoDB [0], which may be of interest to other readers.

[0] https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb/issues/1468

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