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It might be an interesting thought experiment to build a country entirely using private roads, but I find it pretty confusing that one could rail against the government "taking money at gunpoint" and at the same time hold up private roads as an alternative example. How do you think private roads make money? Asking people nicely if they could donate money if they are so inclined?

Yeah, maybe you could say "If you don't want to pay for a private road, don't drive on it. Simple as that." And exactly how do you plan to enforce the "don't drive on it" part?

And mind you, in an alternative universe where every road is private, a poor Joe who has to drive ten miles to work to feed his family will take the road, whether he can pay the toll or not. And if he finds using a gun is cheaper than paying tolls he will absolutely do so, because (in a society where the government can't point guns at employers' head and demand to pay minimum wage) if he doesn't he will be priced out by his neighbors who are willing to use the gun and drive cheaply.

You know, back in the current universe, 3% of LA's streets are already private, yet they don't charge poor Joe to drive on them. Maybe we should look into how those are funded before making assumptions?

Private roads in the UK are residential, and usualy cul-de-sacs. They are paid for by the residents and poor Joe doesn't pay to drive on them because poor Joe doesn't live there and therefore doesn't drive on them in the first place.

It wouod surprise me mightily to find that the citizens of LA were funding public-access through-roads from the goodness of their hearts.

Joe can afford a car, gas, maintenance, but somehow can't afford a toll. Undeterred, he resorts to murder instead of riding a bike or riding the bus/train.

It's not a very plausible scenario.

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