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I completely agree with this. From running small organizations and teams and then later my own businesses, I've learned that "no management" and an "anything goes" mentality enables dominant personalities within the group and the dominant power structures in society to replicate itself within your organization. That's how you end up with all guy teams cracking jokes about hookers while they're working and thinking that's acceptable. Not good. I always want to set the culture myself, so that it's thoughtful and purposeful.

It sounds like you're concerned not just about getting things done but about making sure that duties and compensation is fair. I'd lay out a range for compensation and clearly outline duties for each position. The younger your company is, the more wiggle room you need in duties because things change quickly. But spelling things out and communicating them clearly to folks gives them an opportunity to tell you if they think the duties to compensation ratio is unfair or let you know that duties have crept up more than they can handle.

And I'd set up regular reviews and check ins. (Like, once every other month).

I'm all about that structure. No structure = no expectations = no way for people to succeed within their jobs.

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