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What are you working on?
20 points by nyddle on Sept 15, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 54 comments
A traditional monthly check in.

In the home stretch of my Tiny House construction. https://goo.gl/photos/dPnx7jttphUvQXcj8

Nice project. Where are you located? (Not your home addy, just the area)

Thanks, Southern California. Looking for a place to park if you know anyone ;)

I wish. I live in a crappy apartment in the bay area. You can park in Sierra Nevada, if you got a remote job:)

Other than photos, do you have a blog or anything, this is very interesting.

Blog is in progress right now.

Looking good. Nice loft design :)

GrockDoc.com: Technical documentation

It's a hobby project. I currently publish 3 new articles per day.

Some example docs:

Cassandra: https://www.grockdoc.com/cassandra/2.1/articles

Android: https://www.grockdoc.com/android/5.1/articles

Looks amazing, definitely bookmarked. Hope to more documentation.

Just started a Coursera course on game development[0]

I've been building Space Invaders in C++ for almost a year now. It's been an excuse to learn things like building an entity-component system, messing with fonts, creating spritesheets, etc, and currently i've taken a week-long tangent into vectors and collision detection. It's more of a journey vs. destination kind of thing, otherwise it could have been "done" a long time ago.

I decided to wrap most of my Github projects into a small, threaded PHP forum, which is currently a HN clone because I can't be arsed to care about style right now. I've got lots of little things like related links generation and thread folding and sorting working. It will probably never actually see the light of day.

Since I just graduated from technical school, I have to find actual work so that's taking up a lot of time too.


Continuing work on an online course on React JS, found here: https://www.udemy.com/learn-and-understand-reactjs/?couponCo....

I had some challenges with the course at the started, but refocused my efforts in making sure I was creating a product that a beginning developer could work through and then feel confident to build their own apps. Once the quality content was in place, reviews, revenue, and engagement soared.

Revenue is up over the last two months, and I plan to write a blog post in the next few weeks regarding that topic. In addition, I plan to also release a new course covering React Native in the next week.

I'm working on finding a co-founder in NYC.


Finding a co-founder is close to number 1 on the list of things a founder has to do, because the number 1 mistake that kills startups is being a single founder. Therefore learning from other people's search in finding a co-founder would be learning what to look for yourself.

I can easily imagine finding a co-founder to be a startup idea itself if done right.


I noticed your other post the other day looking for someone to hack with in NYC. Ok, seems fair. But you're looking for a co-founder "for what"? For "a startup"? To build what? What is your passion? It's fun to say "I want to start a start up, I'll read Paul Graham and make sure not to make those mistakes, 1) Check, 2) Check..." and so on. In reality, having a marketable and economically viable idea is the key to founding a successful business. But it seems from your posts that your key passion is not wanting to work in a large company. That's fair enough as well, but it's not the sort of thing that makes a start up successful.

Find a problem and start solving it. Then tell everyone about it. A co-founder will come. In fact, they will come because they are interested in the problem you are solving. Don't assume that two people who like sitting around together can actually come up with a viable, marketable idea and then become successful startup founders.

Also, Paul Graham is speaking from an investment portfolio perspective when he is speaking of the #1 failure point being not having a co-founder. He says, "Have you noticed how few successful startups were founded by just one person?" The thing you should be worrying about is "Have you noticed how few successful startups there are? Why is that?" Answer the second question first, and you will come to find it has very little to do with co-founders.

Thank you for the feedback. Yes, I'm looking for a co-founder to start a startup.

"In reality, having a marketable and economically viable idea is the key to founding a successful business."

That's not 100% true. I mean, it is important, but it's not the one and only key. There's more to it than that. Here's a list of marketable and economically viable ideas that won't lead most people reading this comment have a successful business out of them. http://paulgraham.com/ambitious.html People are more important than ideas.

I'm sorry my posts came off as my passion is not wanting to work in a large company. I don't work in a large company. My passion is to change the world, after becoming ramen profitable. If I had to pick between a business that makes lots of money but isn't fullfilling or a business that makes less money but has a shot at changing the world, I'd pick the latter. I don't know if this answers your question.

You are right that people who like sitting around together may be unable to come up with a viable, marketable idea and then become successful startup founders. It's not easy to generate ideas. It's hard to be a startup founder.

But you also may be presumptuous if you think I haven't found a problem or started solving it. And I may be presumptuous if I think you haven't found a problem or starting solving it too. I want to listen to other people's ideas. Valuable ideas can be risky or frightening enough that you don't even know you have them. Bouncing ideas with someone else can help them surface.

If I had to make one assumption, it'd be that people who like sitting around together, and like each other, and are exceptional, are more likely to come up with a viable, marketable idea and then become successful startup founders than people who don't like each other and aren't exceptional. If this "success" quality can be put into words better, similar to being formidable, I'm open to a definition.

One problem with people coming because they are interested in a problem you are solving is that they also leave when the solution doesn't work. People who stick together are more likely to stick with a solution longer. They are also more likely to be open to changing the idea.

I saw this problem with people who weren't friends first. They wouldn't be in sync. They would refuse to switch ideas.

This may be a very simplistic reasoning, but if you go from a single founder to two, you potentially double your growth rate. Or you at least double your productivity. Because now there are two people working to make some big tech breakthrough and get that initial toehold of users, assuming they can work together.

It seems to me growth rate is more important than equity. With growth rate you can get rich enough to not have to work again. With double the equity but no growth you don't.

That's the problem right there. Delusion. Everyone aspires to change the world, more than that everyone thinks that they 'can' change the world. But if you think about it from a neutral perspective, your chances are less than 0.0001%. And maybe less with your type of attitude, you might consider money as an 'evil' but its a mean to an end. You need to find a viable economical problem, work on it, develop it and then create something around it. Sitting around all day in coffee shops talking about how you're gonna change the world with absolutely no viable plan or foresight for the future is a bit pretentious in my opinion.

Plus people don't make the company, a good leader does, and one of the characteristics of a good leader is to get the most out of people around him. And that is probably the solution for 'they also leave when the solution doesn't work'.

To be honest with you, your attitude pushed my buttons, i know it shouldn't and that everyone has a different perspective to life, but thinking just by the power of 'friendship' and 'sticking together' that you could change the world, you've got another thing coming

@the_impossible, If you don't give a snapshot of your idea, how do you expect to find a co-founder say on HN? Your post of looking for a co-founder is very general so can you be specific in what sort of expertise they need to have? Also, finding a co-founder you don't know well can lead to all sort of headaches so I'd be weary of it if I were in your shoes. All the best-

I've asked the question before on Quora and while having a co-founder is great, having the wrong co-founder could spell disaster.

As always hacking on Quoddy[1] and Neddick[2]. Beyond that, I've been dabbling with a number of new languages, tools, libraries, etc. See [3] for all the details. The tl/dr; though, is this - working my way through Machine Learning for Hackers and Practical Common Lisp, and starting on an AI bot[4] to give me a playground to mess with AI and Machine Learning techniques. Right now it's just AIML[5] and doesn't do a whole heck of a lot, but I just started on this a couple of days ago. Right now it can chat over XMPP and basically say "hello" and give you the current time.

[1]: https://github.com/fogbeam/Quoddy

[2]: http://github.com/fogbeam/Neddick

[3]: http://mindcrime.github.io

[4]: https://github.com/mindcrime/LearningAIML

[5]: http://www.alicebot.org/aiml.html

I left my job this Monday, and decided to leave app support jobs behind for good. I am getting up to speed on python, bash and linux for a start and try to get a position more oriented towards sysops. I will be making some smaller projects related to automation. Nothing extraordinary, just a guy turning 30 this year looking to turn his life around for the better.

A few random things, a game with a couple friends (http://www.craterkings.com), a funny little Craft Beer Generator still very much in-progress (http://chrisgermano.github.io/CraftBeerGenerator/), and a very rudimentary stock trading bot http://stockbot.infinityclub.us/ (add "#[symbol]" [no quotes] after the / to follow a specific stock, it starts with 10k if there's no existing data, unfortunately you need to keep the window open for it to keep "thinking")

Upgraded the db master node to a SSD server (yay no more seeks) for my Android app, Graticule[1]

Used the opportunity to get better acquainted with ansible, finally no more manual configurations.

On the hardware side, I did my first breadboard to perfboard transplant[2]. It's a basic circuit, the layout is not so great, the soldering is messy, but it's mine.

[1] https://graticule.link/

[2] https://goo.gl/photos/DkzE63ZfrHpR2VC3A

I've been polishing a game jam game from last weekend. We won best art style, but having lost our lead programmer half way through we barely got a working build finished to present.

2D Split-Screen Capture the Flag. One player assumes role of Firewall, robotic-security guard, other assumes role of the androgynous Cracker. Cracker has to break into the corporate system and take down the mainframe to start the cyber-revolution, while Firewall has to catch them before they do so and escape. We have some fantastic Darude-esque electronic music and a cartoony art style.

My little Side Project: http://www.BetterSnipper.com

A screenshot utility that is more powerful than the free Greenshot, yet less expensive than the over the top SnagIt. (Free unlimited trial, $5 to buy, Donating 10% to my favorite charity).

Its got a lot of great features, and a lot more in the works. (I've now started building a light-weight editor... Learning the 'Command pattern' for Undo/Redo'ing)

I'm working on an MVP for online shell history (bash/zsh) as a service. Source a script, add a command to your $PROMPT_HISTORY, and all your shell history will be available online.

It will also provide some graphs along with insights/advice, for example, suggesting possible aliases to save time. Looking to get it out in the next week or two, would love to hear if you guys would be interested in something like this!

http://newslinn.com (beta) Share photos of Local News with Local Journalists with a simple email in real-time - combining real-time photo validation with user authentication. (end marketing pitch)

still a side project, using Python PyKE as the rules engine is anyone is familiar with that??, and socket.io, node and mongodb for the "real-time" stuff.

How is PyKE? Pros and cons? Just took a loot at the SourceForge site for it, will check it out later, but appreciate any feedback based on your use of it.

Building android apps:

- kiosk app for employee survey

- groupon inspired app for niche market

- airbnb for dogs (thinking)

- building next version of niche appstore that i launched a year ago http://appsjhola.com

Fixing bugs on customer's website.

Looking to transition to a full time job in cool startup in San Francisco. contractor / agency dev to => startup hacker (suggestions ?)

trying to finish reading Crossing The Chasm

I'm working with a friend on a PHP framework, specifically helping with the docs: https://github.com/spiral

The coolest thing about it is IDE autocompletion of db fields. Other cool stuff is UML generation for Mongo/RDBS, and a storage abstraction for s3, ftp, etc so switching providers is just a config change.

Working on Songfari - you can call it Product Hunt for new music. :)


Ruby on Bales: https://github.com/YellowApple/bales

Little command-line framework for Ruby in a similar vein as Thor or Boson or Rake, but with some ergonomic and structural differences that I think are improvements (but then again, I'm probably wrong :) ).


  Machine Learning via Ng's course. 
  Modeling for Discreet Optimization using MiniZinc with Stuckey.
  Devops via Managing Remote Teams on Edx Edge.
  Org Babel.
Thinking about:

  Construction industry economics and processes.
  Who could be a cofounder.
  CQRS, event sourcing, testing, actors.
  Tiny Houses.

Recently finished personal project (Dog Food price comparison + ratings website) and working on SEO and PPC: http://www.best-cheap-dog-food.com/

Working on a startup demo using React Native (still learning Node+React and native mobile).

http://bandsoftheweek.com/ - make a playlist of the bands coming to town.

Recently got some attention on reddit. It was fun to do, and Clojure worked quite well under traffic.

Pretty cool - anyway to be able to save the playlist to my own Spotify?

Sure, just follow the playlist and it should show up in your playlists like you made it

Heads up that UBlock on Chrome is blocking all the functionality of the Spotify content unit.

There's also no button to click to open the playlist in Spotify (maybe you could add this as a link below the embedded playlist).

A Whatsapp chat analytics web app: http://groupstats.io/

Basically, you upload your chat history and we show some nice visualizations (no, we do not store your chat).

A projector based Virtual Reality solution for home use that doesn't require headsets.

I've also just launched www.immersiveauthority.com - an Immersive Tech / VR site. Whatever I learn I transcribe on the site.

Working on iOS app for Quotesy: Read memorable quotes from your favorite movies and TV shows - http://quotesyapp.shyahi.com

Launching on 21st September

Helping retailers and franchises in the United States and Canada find good locations: http://getinsightico.com

Wife and I made a joke political t-shirt. http://teespring.com/get-dump-trump

Monetising https://www.pentesterlab.com by creating an online version of the exercises...

A simple cloud call center solution. In search for the first users. http://try.dialbase.com

I'm working on reinventing static site generation/hosting at http://Spudpress.com

Building a way to learn data science online, using python -- https://www.dataquest.io

A local restaurant reviews site for the Albany, NY region. http://www.noshlocal.com

Unlimited email address for everybody, not too far to a Beta version...


Trying to keep the baby alive, candy subscribers supplied with sweets and when I have a free market ment, writing a subscription box ebook.

A mobile word game. Really re-working the game mechanics, and re-skinning prior to launch. Hopefully it launches very soon.

Putting together the mvp (protocol + example) I need to support my application for YC W16!

locator-app.com: refactoring backend structure into microservices using seneca and rabbitmq. We're a bunch of students developing this platform [it's german and has currently no internationalization].

Artificial Intelligence : http://caigengyang.com.caigengyang.com

I am learning Python and Django.

reworking my network-lab-slash-home-network.

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