Given that the majority of them are coming from technical/web startups, you're going to see a huge number of technical founders. Five years ago, when I graduated in CS at a major American research institution, you could throw a dart at a map of Asia and be guaranteed to hit a country that had contributed more female engineers to my CS department than there were female white engineers in the class. Five years later, guess who went on to become technical founders?
If you want to phrase things in the positive sense, you might phrase it not as "What does CS do wrong?" but "What does environmental engineering or biomedical engineering do right?", since they got most of the women in the engineering school. I have the heretical impulse to say "Offer obvious opportunities to have a career primarily revolving around interacting with human beings" but I have learned that "Maybe they just don't want to spent 14 hours a day reading XML files" costs me friends.
I've seen a mailing list discussion between female engineers on this topic.
One intriguing idea they put forward is that in developing countries, in the last few decades, kids did not have access to home computers or console devices. You only got significant amounts of time with a computer once you had reached university. So everybody in a CS program, male and female, was starting from zero, as near-adults.
So the Asian universities did not have any toxically geeky culture, and they also had to get really good at teaching complete newbies. In this atmosphere women did as well as men.
It was suggested that Western CS departments are dominated by people from the gamer scene, who are almost all male. They are very familiar with the technology already, and skew the academic culture in such a way that interested newcomers are less welcome, and less able to keep up.
White american women are more likely to be homemakers or only work part-time than women of other ethnicities because they are more likely be married to white men who make enough money to support a family on their own. So I think there is probably some correlation between white male dominance in the workforce/salary-wise and white female absence from the work force. (I'm a former homemaker and white female. I am currently working due to having gotten divorced.)