Last week we all had a very interesting investigation ( ) of how apple seems to have come up with a css/js/html5 framework called pastryKit to make really good "native-looking" web-apps on the iphone before they ever started with the whole app store idea. Some of us, like myself went and looked at it ( ) and then pulled it down and put it up on github so we can take a look at what they are doing and learn how we too could do some of the same css transforms, transitions and "flick" scrolling like they do in their code.
Well, it looks like Apple is scared to death of that idea. They want to make sure that the web-app experience on the iphone (except for their own help system) remains crippled and seemingly second class when you compare it to one of their native apps (even though their own help system shows the it is possible for it to be just as good). It looks like they went straight to gitHub and forced them to take it down. Here's the email I got from them. Bummer!!
I'm writing to inform you that we have received a takedown notice from Apple regarding your repo, PastryKit. We have made the repo and all forks private so that they are no longer publicly accessible. If we do not receive a counter-notice from you within 10-14 days the repo will be deleted.
I would like to encourage you to read up on the DMCA takedown procedure and your rights here:
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The fact remains that PastryKit is open source, but close-licensed - by which I mean the frontend source code is transmitted when you access the website by necessity, but owned entirely by Apple.
Honestly, Apple is behaving much like Plurk just a few days ago. Their frontend source code was lifted, unpacked, analyzed, and repackaged for another product. Frustrated by having their intellectual property repurposed without permission or license, a takedown order was appropriate.
While I'm all for analyzing techniques like those found in PastryKit and am sort of a "rah! rah! open source!" guy in general, Apple was well within their rights to request a takedown. It sucks that they did, because I'd love to read up on this sometime and learn from it, but that's how these things tend to go.
That said, whether you agree with me or not, I don't think that this takedown notice is any reason to suggest that "Apple is terrified of iPhone web apps being as good as native apps."