This doesn't even mention there was an entire newspaper filled with misdirection (Themela, Enigma machines, Mad Hatter, They Live, chromosomes...) or the Shavian text on the badges (all quotes from Buckaroo Banzai I believe). 1o57 even wore a Buckaroo Banzai shirt...gah.
Edit: Also, "Howdaddyisdoing" is an anagram for "Why did I add goons" which seemed very suggestive.
I believe the newspaper was filled with clues for the DCDarknet challenge. That one was pretty rough, I wasted a few hours on it before 1o57 confirmed it wasn't part of his challenge.
Wow, it just kept going and going. I've done scavenger hunts like this, but easier and short, and I still didn't finish before declaring myself too exhausted to continue.
I wonder what the reason was for not giving the message found on the wooden skull?
1o57 never fails to impress. everyone who attends DEFCON should head down to the 1057 room for at least a little bit each con. there are a ton of people working together to solve the puzzles!
There's not a lot of black hat activity, but there's plenty of good- to neutral-natured messing about. The "Wall of Sheep" is a great example; if you send something that looks like a username/password on the public wifi, someone will put it up on a big display (though they'll obscure some of the password field) along with the other 'sheep'. Not "black hat" but definitely not the kind of thing you want on a real account.
As for burner clothes, the only thing I've ever heard is to not wear company-branded clothes - wearing an obvious Google t-shirt is a great way to attract attention you may not want.
Speaking of which, I've long wondered how hard it would be to make the wall of sheep display ASCII art or something by letting it sniff bogus credentials....
Hahaha, I had so much fun reading along. One day I'll solve the bad challenge before you guys, and post something similar. One day. Until then, I'll just work to the point where I can afford to hit a Defcon :D
All of it to some extent, I think the 3rd aspect the most (enjoyment of solving puzzles).
Similar puzzle hunts are very popular in Czech Republic ( since around 2000; traditionally, there is a path of multiple locations (~15) and several kilometers (~20) that you have to get through, and they happen over night during about 20 hours.
I am going to one in 14 days and I certainly look forward to it! I think there is other factor that drives us - breaking the routine. Similar to hackathons, these happen overnight and are designed to stress you a little as you have to focus, which I think is a nice break from your day-to-day life.
Edit: Also, "Howdaddyisdoing" is an anagram for "Why did I add goons" which seemed very suggestive.