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Stories from July 21, 2010
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31. Ask HN: Why are there so few apps being built with JSP?
40 points by idleworx on July 21, 2010 | 104 comments
32. Eliminating Errors with Little Languages (modernperlbooks.com)
39 points by fogus on July 21, 2010 | 23 comments
33. Skype iPhone update: Multitasking, no additional charges for calling over 3G (skype.com)
39 points by ssclafani on July 21, 2010 | 20 comments
34. Where is the new Hacker News?
38 points by agravier on July 21, 2010 | 35 comments
35. How Do I Win Rock Paper Scissors Every Time (chacha.com)
38 points by tomerico on July 21, 2010 | 11 comments
36. My Remarkable, Famous Graph (trailmeme.com)
38 points by thekguy on July 21, 2010 | 5 comments
37. I gladly donated to reddit but I won't pay for it (reddit.com)
38 points by aresant on July 21, 2010 | 28 comments
38. Try Haskell: An interactive tutorial in your browser (tryhaskell.org)
37 points by jknupp on July 21, 2010 | 5 comments
39. # - the Unix truth (cwi.nl)
36 points by jluxenberg on July 21, 2010 | 16 comments
40. Reddit launches a new search engine (reddit.com)
36 points by obsaysditto on July 21, 2010 | 17 comments
41. Facebook now has 500 million users (facebook.com)
35 points by mcxx on July 21, 2010 | 29 comments
42. Ask HN: I may have been spun. Is there anything I can do about it?
32 points by spokey on July 21, 2010 | 38 comments
43. Ask HN: Programming books that are more like math books?
31 points by blehn on July 21, 2010 | 19 comments
44. Ask HN: Are irrelevant degrees at all useful?
31 points by swores on July 21, 2010 | 56 comments
45. Daring Fireball: Antennagate Bottom Line (daringfireball.net)
29 points by fogus on July 21, 2010 | 30 comments
46. In a Partnership of Unequals, a Start-Up Suffers (nytimes.com)
27 points by startuprules on July 21, 2010 | 1 comment
47. Lisp on TV (1998) (norvig.com)
27 points by rayvega on July 21, 2010 | 1 comment
48. Why is it so hard to avoid premature optimizations? (justinappears.com)
26 points by bentlegen on July 21, 2010 | 14 comments
49. Reddit Search now powered by IndexTank - our product
26 points by diego on July 21, 2010 | 5 comments
50. Wanted: Hyper Local Disruption (irevolution.wordpress.com)
24 points by apgwoz on July 21, 2010 | 8 comments
51. StackVM running within StackVM (youtube.com)
24 points by pkrumins on July 21, 2010 | 16 comments
52. Microsoft to employees: 'everybody gets a Windows Phone 7' (engadget.com)
22 points by aaronbrethorst on July 21, 2010 | 47 comments
53. How Map/Reduce works in Riak - webinar this Thursday (basho.com)
25 points by roder on July 21, 2010 | 5 comments
54. Tenure: An idea whose time has gone. (theatlantic.com)
23 points by tptacek on July 21, 2010 | 33 comments
55. Ask HN: Which startups accept visitors (and I should visit)?
22 points by petercooper on July 21, 2010 | 11 comments
56. Too Much Things That You Want to Do? (freestylemind.com)
22 points by oscardelben on July 21, 2010 | 7 comments
57. Ask HN: Hacker Houses with Vacancy?
21 points by jacoblyles on July 21, 2010 | 9 comments
58. Ask HN: How to drive non-paid traffic to an app landing page?
20 points by fookyong on July 21, 2010 | 12 comments
59. Zuckerberg Makes It Official: Facebook Hits 500 Million Members (techcrunch.com)
20 points by ashishbharthi on July 21, 2010 | 7 comments
60. New version [of ICC] is still crippling Intel's competitors (agner.org)
19 points by yungchin on July 21, 2010 | 5 comments

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