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Stories from August 24, 2020
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1. Being OK with not being extraordinary (tiffanymatthe.com)
830 points by tmatthe on Aug 24, 2020 | 382 comments
2. αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε (storage.googleapis.com)
671 points by Pneumaticat on Aug 24, 2020 | 286 comments
3. Asana S-1 (sec.gov)
384 points by sean_lynch on Aug 24, 2020 | 242 comments
4. Unity Software Inc S-1 (sec.gov)
482 points by swyx on Aug 24, 2020 | 288 comments
5. Docker to rate limit image pulls (docker.com)
355 points by AaronFriel on Aug 24, 2020 | 263 comments
6. Vitamin D, part 2: Shannon's story (devaboone.com)
420 points by usefulcat on Aug 24, 2020 | 303 comments
7. Never run ‘python’ in your downloads folder (twistedmatrix.com)
322 points by ingve on Aug 23, 2020 | 205 comments
8. Navy F/A-18 squadron commander's take on AI repeatedly beating real pilot (thedrive.com)
262 points by tomohawk on Aug 24, 2020 | 416 comments
9. Challenge to scientists: does your ten-year-old code still run? (nature.com)
305 points by sohkamyung on Aug 24, 2020 | 477 comments
10. How I helped fix Canadaʼs Covid Alert app (seancoates.com)
253 points by todsacerdoti on Aug 24, 2020 | 45 comments
11. A tale of webpage speed, or throwing away React (solovyov.net)
356 points by todsacerdoti on Aug 24, 2020 | 300 comments
12. Jeffrey Epstein’s Harvard connections show how money can distort research (scientificamerican.com)
225 points by LinuxBender on Aug 24, 2020 | 198 comments
13. Automotive Grade Linux (automotivelinux.org)
230 points by known on Aug 24, 2020 | 204 comments
14. One Year of Nushell (nushell.sh)
213 points by rainworld on Aug 24, 2020 | 47 comments
15. Nuclear Reactor Development History (whatisnuclear.com)
161 points by simonebrunozzi on Aug 24, 2020 | 36 comments
16. Patrick Collison's Questions (patrickcollison.com)
374 points by apsec112 on Aug 24, 2020 | 276 comments
17. Making money building Shopify micro-SaaS apps (preetamnath.com)
247 points by gk1 on Aug 24, 2020 | 63 comments
18. Emotional resilience and burnout in leadership (docs.google.com)
207 points by jonnymiller on Aug 24, 2020 | 49 comments
19. Bridgefy, the messenger promoted for mass protests, is a privacy disaster (arstechnica.com)
118 points by _mikz on Aug 24, 2020 | 46 comments
20. The robotics revolution is here, and it's changing how we live (nationalgeographic.com)
109 points by DamnInteresting on Aug 24, 2020 | 48 comments
21. Kali Linux 2020.3 (kali.org)
213 points by ashitlerferad on Aug 24, 2020 | 99 comments
22. Jensen Huang’s vision for data center dominance may destroy the Arm ecosystem (semianalysis.com)
135 points by kasabali on Aug 24, 2020 | 117 comments
23. Teletext Bad Apple (bitshifters.github.io)
114 points by bemmu on Aug 22, 2020 | 33 comments
24. How to Leave Work at Work (hbr.org)
182 points by wallflower on Aug 23, 2020 | 57 comments
25. Show HN: My notes on Working with Go (github.com/betty200744)
185 points by betty200744 on Aug 24, 2020 | 82 comments
26. Streaming Is Laying Bare How Big ISPs and Big Tech Work Together Against Users (eff.org)
272 points by torgian on Aug 24, 2020 | 128 comments
27. Top colleges should select randomly from a pool of ‘good enough’ (2005) (chronicle.com)
211 points by haltingproblem on Aug 22, 2020 | 297 comments
28. CMDR-DOS: Commodore DOS on FAT32 (pagetable.com)
66 points by ingve on Aug 22, 2020 | 3 comments
29. Network Coding in P2P Networks (adlrocha.substack.com)
86 points by adlrocha on Aug 23, 2020 | 16 comments
30. Mozilla's Speech-to-Text Engine Is at Risk Following Layoffs (phoronix.com)
132 points by lisper on Aug 24, 2020 | 76 comments

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