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Stories from May 14, 2008
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1. Google releases free, detailed, HTML/CSS/Javascript encyclopedia by Mark Pilgrim (code.google.com)
111 points by nickb on May 14, 2008 | 23 comments
2. Everything I want to do is Illegal (mindfully.org)
89 points by smanek on May 14, 2008 | 78 comments
3. Wanna learn JavaScript? Here are 15 video lectures (with key ideas written out) (catonmat.net)
61 points by pkrumins on May 14, 2008 | 3 comments
4. Ask PG: Correlation between frugality and startup success?
48 points by hooande on May 14, 2008 | 30 comments
5. The Zero-Emissions One-Wheeled Motorcycle (popsci.com)
38 points by functionoid on May 14, 2008 | 20 comments
6. How to Live Well Without a Job and with (almost) no Money (f4.ca)
35 points by smanek on May 14, 2008 | 50 comments
7. An Open Letter from a Male Project Manager to Women in IT (krishashok.wordpress.com)
30 points by hollywoodcole on May 14, 2008 | 4 comments
8. How technical does a start-up founder have to be?
28 points by ryanagraves on May 14, 2008 | 52 comments
9. Ask YC: How do you find manufacturers to outsource to?
27 points by noel_gomez on May 14, 2008 | 28 comments
10. Eating Mindfully: How to Pay Attention to What You Eat and Stop Just Before You're Full (wsj.com)
25 points by dpapathanasiou on May 14, 2008 | 16 comments
11. How To Pick A Good Domain Name (socialbias.com)
22 points by parker on May 14, 2008 | 11 comments
12. How to Focus in Life (lifeoptimizer.org)
21 points by pbnaidu on May 14, 2008 | 1 comment
13. Confessions of a Sweatshop Inspector (washingtonmonthly.com)
21 points by theoneill on May 14, 2008 | 2 comments
14. Mindset Innovation: The story of Tata Nano, the cheapest car ($2500) in the world (rediff.com)
20 points by ideas101 on May 14, 2008 | 6 comments
15. Lisp Wins (Steve Yegge article) (googlepages.com)
19 points by smanek on May 14, 2008 | 18 comments
16. 5 Quick Tips on Pitching Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists (instigatorblog.com)
17 points by moses1400 on May 14, 2008 | 2 comments
17. Mark Twain: Corn-pone Opinions (paulgraham.com)
17 points by garret on May 14, 2008 | 5 comments
18. NY’s “Amazon Tax” Takes First Casualty: Overstock Affiliates (techcrunch.com)
17 points by kyro on May 14, 2008 | 6 comments
19. Confirmed: Comcast Bought Plaxo, Deal Closed Today (techcrunch.com)
16 points by hwork on May 14, 2008 | 4 comments
20. Ask YC: "Staging" for startups?
16 points by dhyasama on May 14, 2008 | 17 comments
21. Django admin app XSS security fix released. (djangoproject.com)
16 points by jasonyan on May 14, 2008
22. Arrington hates Rails but wants Rails Hackers? (snaptalent.com)
16 points by sharpshoot on May 14, 2008 | 16 comments
23. Ask YC: Review my startup (uliken.com)
15 points by samwise on May 14, 2008 | 37 comments
24. How to make the leap from corporate hack to entrepreneur (thestandard.com)
15 points by ilamont on May 14, 2008 | 5 comments
25. Dreamhost implements Passenger; Rails on shared hosting becomes easy (dreamhoststatus.com)
15 points by ambition on May 14, 2008 | 7 comments
26. Thinking Machines (thedailywtf.com)
15 points by prakash on May 14, 2008 | 8 comments
27. Andrew Chen: Getting your startup from zero to critical mass (andrewchen.typepad.com)
15 points by andrew_null on May 14, 2008 | 1 comment
28. 25 Beautifully Colorful Websites - Part 2 (vandelaydesign.com)
14 points by nickb on May 14, 2008 | 7 comments
29. Sic Transit Gloria Laptopi (harsh words about OLPC from the project's ex-security officer) (radian.org)
14 points by kf on May 14, 2008 | 2 comments
30. Running Mac OS X on standard PCs (zdnet.co.uk)
13 points by naish on May 14, 2008 | 2 comments

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